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Browse Special Grant Programs

Funding Opportunities

The grant programs below provide funding on a competitive basis to projects that sustain, restore, and enhance our Nation's fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats.

Please review the list below to determine which grant program (s) may be appropriate for your needs.  Please contact the Foundtion staff person listed for each program for additional information, or the Partnership Office Director in the region in which you live.

Keystone Initiative Grants 
Keystone Initiatives are a core portfolio of multi-year initiatives through which the Foundation and its partners seek to achieve measurable outcomes. There are currently four Keystones, each of which has multiple Initiatives:

  • Bird Conservation
  • Fish Conservation
  • Marine and Coastal Conservation
  • Wildlife and Habitat Conservation

Keystone Grant Cycle

Preproposal: April 1, 2009
Full Proposal: June 1, 2009
Notification: November 30, 2009

Other Grant Programs - Below are a list of our Charter grant programs.

Alphabetical List by Title

Acres for America
Acres for America is a partnership between Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The Acres for America program was established to provide funding for projects that conserve important habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants through acquisition of interest in real property. The goal of the Acres for America program is to offset the footprint of Wal-Mart’s domestic facilities on at least an acre by acre basis through these acquisitions.
Preproposal Date: 04/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/01/2009
Notification Date: 11/30/2009

Alaska Fish and Wildlife Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, together with agency and private donor partners, is requesting proposals to further conservation of species and habitats in Alaska and its near coastal waters.
Preproposal Date: 10/15/2008
Full Proposal Date: 12/12/2008
Notification Date: 03/01/2009

Bring Back the Natives
Funds on-the-ground efforts to restore, protect, and enhance native aquatic species to their historic range.
Preproposal Date: 12/01/2008
Full Proposal Date: 02/01/2009
Notification Date: 06/01/2009

Bronx River Watershed Initiative
The Bronx River Watershed Initiative (BRWI) has $1.5 million available for stormwater retrofit projects, including Low Impact Development initiatives, to address the root causes of pollution from stormwater outfalls to improve water quality and river ecology along the Bronx River. The funds come from a $7 million settlement generated by the New York State Attorney General’s Office and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation resulting from violations associated with discharges of raw sewage into the Bronx River from storm sewers.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 03/13/2009
Notification Date: 08/31/2009

Budweiser Conservationist of the Year
The Budweiser Conservationist of the Year award honors an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to conservation. Each year, a committee selects four conservationists as finalists from dozens of outstanding nominees, and Budweiser consumers from across the country vote for the Budweiser Conservationist of the Year in an open-ballot process on Budweiser.com.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 06/06/2008
Notification Date:

Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program
The Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program provides grants to organizations and local governments working on a local level to protect and improve watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay basin, while building citizen-based resource stewardship. The purpose of the grants program is to support protection and restoration actions that contribute to restoring healthy waters, habitat and living resources of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. The Small Watershed Grants Program has been designed to encourage the development and sharing of innovative ideas among the many organizations wishing to be involved in watershed protection activities.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/01/2009
Notification Date: 08/15/2009

Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund

The goal of the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund is to accelerate local implementation of the most innovative, sustainable and cost-effective strategies to restore and protect water quality and vital habitats within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Stewardship Fund offers three grant programs: The Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grant Program, the Chesapeake Bay Conservation Innovation Grant Program, and the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Program. Major funding for the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USFS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Deadlines for Stewardship Fund grant programs vary. For more detail, please review individual grant program descriptions and RFPs.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/01/2009
Notification Date: 11/30/2009

Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program
Since 2002, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has worked in partnership with the Bonneville Power Administration to administer the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program. The program supports entities working to increase tributary flows for fish in the Columbia River Basin through water transaction projects.

This program does not issue an annual RFP. Please review the information on this program.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Columbia River Estuarine Coastal Fund
Provides grants to organizations and other public entities to protect and improve fish and wildlife habitat in and along the Lower Columbia River below the Bonneville Dam and the adjacent coasts of Oregon (up to and including Tillamook Bay) and Washington (up to and including Willapa Bay).

Deadlines for this program are yet to be determined.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Community Salmon Fund Partnerships
NFWF has established local partnerships throughout Washington State through the Community Salmon Fund program to engage landowners, community groups, tribes, and businesses in stimulating smaller-scale, community-oriented habitat restoration and protection projects to aid in salmon recovery. Grants made under this program are administered by the Foundation. There are currently three Community Salmon Fund partnership programs. NFWF has partnered with the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) to administer a statewide Community Salmon Fund program that is coordinated with the individual Lead Entity groups. In addition to this SRFB Community Salmon Fund program, NFWF has partnered with both King and Pierce Counties to administer county-specific Community Salmon Fund programs in those counties.

Deadlines for Community Salmon Fund sub-programs vary. Please click on an individual sub-program from the program list below for more information.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation Migratory Bird Program
This partnership with ConocoPhillips provides approximately $600,000 annually for grants for bird habitat conservation projects in areas where ConocoPhillips has an operating presence.
Preproposal Date: 09/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 11/01/2009
Notification Date: 04/30/2010

Coral Reef Conservation Fund
Provides grants for projects that build public-private partnerships to reduce and prevent degradation of coral reefs and associated reef habitats (e.g. seagrass beds, mangroves etc).

The traditional fall request for proposals to the Coral Reef Conservation Fund (CRCF) has been postponed. We expect to announce a solicitation for the revised funding opportunity in summer or fall of 2009.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Delaware Estuary Watershed Grants Program
Provides grants to organizations working on a local level to protect and improve watersheds in the Delaware Estuary, while building citizen-based resource stewardship.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 08/01/2008
Notification Date: 12/30/2008

Dissolved Oxygen Environmental Benefit Fund for the Western Long Island Sound and Jamaica Bay 2008
The Trustees of the Dissolved Oxygen Environmental Benefit Fund are pleased to sponsor a grant program to restore habitat and improve water quality in the western Long Island Sound and Jamaica Bay. Approximately $4 million will be available for projects and studies in the region.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/02/2008
Notification Date: 11/01/2008

Five Star Restoration Challenge Grant Program
Provides modest financial assistance on a competitive basis to support community-based wetland, riparian, and coastal habitat restoration projects that build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach and training activities.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/17/2009
Notification Date: 06/01/2009

Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance & Protection Fund
The Trustees of the Gulf of Maine Environmental Compliance and Protection Fund announce a funding opportunity to restore natural resources damaged in the coastal environment of the Gulf of Maine, State of Maine.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/13/2009
Notification Date: 06/30/2009

Guy Bradley Award
The Foundation is seeking nominations for a national award to recognize individuals for achievements in wildlife law enforcement, focusing especially on those activities which directly aid or advance the law enforcement goals and mission of state and federal fish and wildlife agencies.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 12/15/2008
Notification Date: 03/01/2009

International Sea Turtle Conservation Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announces the availability of matching grant funding for international sea turtle conservation projects in the Western Hemisphere. Funding is provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/13/2009
Notification Date: 05/01/2009

King County Community Salmon Fund
Established to engage landowners, community groups, tribes, and businesses in salmon recovery within the Cedar River, Lake Washington, Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8), the Green/Duwamish & Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9), and southern Snohomish County in Washington State. The program awards small-scale grants for salmon habitat protection and restoration projects that are marked by community involvement and watershed health benefits, and which are consistent with local salmon recovery plans.

Deadlines for this program are yet to be determined.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Long Island Sound Futures Fund
The Long Island Sound Study (LISS) in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals for approximately $1 million under the 2009 Long Island Sound Futures Fund (Sound Futures Fund) pending the availability of federal funding. The purpose of the Sound Futures Fund is to support projects that restore and protect the health and living resources of Long Island Sound.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 03/13/2009
Notification Date: 08/31/2009

Marine Debris Research and Technology Grants Program
The NOAA Marine Debris Program (NOAA MDP) coordinates, strengthens, and enhances the awareness of marine debris efforts within the agency and works with external partners to support research, prevention, and reduction activities related to the issue of marine debris.
Preproposal Date: 05/08/2009
Full Proposal Date: 07/06/2009
Notification Date: 10/01/2009

Montrose Settlements Restoration Program
The MSRP is funded by settlement agreements entered into by multiple defendants in the case of the United States and the State of California versus Montrose Chemical Corporation of California and other defendants. MSRP restoration priorities include the restoration of fishing opportunities lost as a result of local fish consumption advisories and catch bans now in place. The restoration plan highlights both fish habitat restoration projects and a public education project to address these losses.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

National Wildlife Refuge Friends Group Grant Program
Provides competitive seed grants to creative and innovative proposals that seek to increase the number and effectiveness of organizations interested in assisting the refuge system nationwide.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/01/2009
Notification Date: 08/01/2009

Native Plant Conservation Initiative
Supports on-the-ground conservation projects that protect, enhance, and/or restore native plant communities on public and private lands. Projects typically fall into one of three categories and may contain elements of each: protection and restoration, information and education, and inventory and assessment.

NPCI is in the process of refining the goals and focus of the program. Due to this strategic planning, new proposals will not be solicited for funding in 2008. An announcement will be made once the planning process and new RFP are completed.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Nature of Learning
Supports costs associated with The Nature of Learning, a community-based conservation education initiative that uses National Wildlife Refuges as outdoor classrooms and enhances natural resource stewardship in the community.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 06/15/2009
Notification Date: 10/16/2009

Nature Restoration Trust
Seeks to fund projects that benefit fish, wildlife, and plants, as well as provide educational opportunities and encourage community involvement in conservation efforts within the Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s service area in northern and central California.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/16/2009
Notification Date: 06/01/2009

One Fly Conservation Partnership
Supports cold water fisheries conservation projects, particularly in the tributaries and mainstem Snake and Yellowstone Basins.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 02/16/2009
Notification Date: 04/15/2009

Oregon Governor's Fund for the Environment
In spring 2005, the United States charged an international shipping company with violating numerous federal pollution laws. As part of the settlement, the courts ordered $2,000,000 in community service payments to be made to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation) to maintain a sustained granting program to benefit the rivers and streams passing through Oregon and near coastal waters.
Preproposal Date: 10/24/2008
Full Proposal Date: 01/16/2009
Notification Date: 03/31/2009

Pierce County Community Salmon Fund
Established to engage landowners, community groups, tribes, and businesses in salmon recovery in Pierce County, Washington. The program awards smaller-scale grants for salmon habitat protection and restoration projects that are marked by community involvement and watershed health benefits, and which are consistent with local salmon recovery plans.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 05/23/2008
Notification Date: 08/01/2008

Pinellas County Environmental Fund
The Pinellas County Environmental Fund is a partnership among Pinellas County (FL), NOAA, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that conserve and restore fish and wildlife habitat in Tampa Bay.

**Please Note: New Deadlines**

Preproposal Date: 01/15/2009
Full Proposal Date: 03/15/2009
Notification Date: 06/15/2009

Pioneers In Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and the Washington State Conservation Commission (WSCC) have established the Pioneers in Conservation Grant Program to develop innovative projects that benefit salmon recovery while also strengthening the viability of agriculture and small-scale forestry businesses in Washington State. Pioneers in Conservation grants are intended to help farmers and foresters protect and restore salmon habitat in a manner that is both environmentally sustainable for the fish and economically sustainable for the farm or forest business. This program is also intended to strengthen the farm and forest conservation community partnerships that emerged through development of the Salmon Recovery Plan by Shared Strategy for Puget Sound and similar efforts across Washington State.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 03/31/2009
Notification Date: 06/30/2009

Puget Sound Marine Conservation Fund
United States charged an international shipping company with violating numerous federal pollution laws after inspections and actions taken by the Washington Department of Ecology and the Coast Guard identified the violations. As part of the settlement, the courts ordered $2,000,000 in community service payments to be made to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation) to be invested in conservation projects in the area of environmental impact.

Deadlines for this program are yet to be determined.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Pulling Together Initiative
PTI is in the process of refining the goals and focus of the program. An announcement will be made on the web site once the planning process and new RFP are completed.
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Rich Guadagno Memorial Scholarship Fund
To pay tribute to and carry on Rich Guadagno's legacy, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation established this fund to provide funds for a scholarship program. The fund is used for a variety of conservation projects, such as scholarships to support outstanding students with an avid interest in wildlife biology and special conservation projects that support wildlife and habitat protection. Scholarships under this fund are currently being offered to College of the Redwoods and Humboldt State University students pursuing courses of study in natural resources and the sciences.

Deadlines for this program are yet to be determined.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Salmon Recovery Funding Board Community Salmon Fund
Established to engage landowners, community groups, tribes, and businesses in salmon recovery within Washington State. NFWF has partnered with the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) to administer a statewide Community Salmon Fund program that is coordinated with the individual Lead Entity groups. The program awards smaller-scale grants for salmon habitat protection and restoration projects that are marked by community involvement and watershed health benefits, and which are consistent with local salmon recovery plans.

Deadlines for this program vary by Lead Entity. Please refer to the program page for a listing of grant round deadlines by Lead Entity.

Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date:
Notification Date:

Save the Tiger Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's collaboration with ExxonMobil Foundation supports international efforts to assist in the long-term survival of Asia's remaining populations of wild tigers. Save The Tiger Fund's main website is located at SaveTheTigerFund.org.
Preproposal Date: 10/24/2008
Full Proposal Date: 12/19/2008
Notification Date: 03/30/2009

Shell Marine Habitat Program: Alaska
The Shell Marine Habitat Program is a partnership between the Shell Oil Company and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that benefit marine and coastal habitats in and around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the North Aleutian Basin, North Slope Borough, and Northwest Arctic Borough areas of Alaska.
Preproposal Date: 09/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 11/01/2009
Notification Date: 04/30/2010

Shell Marine Habitat Program: Gulf of Mexico
The Shell Marine Habitat Program is a partnership between the Shell Oil Company and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). The purpose of this partnership is to provide grants for projects that benefit marine and coastal habitats in and around the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the North Aleutian Basin, North Slope Borough, and Northwest Arctic Borough areas of Alaska. The National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration recently joined Shell and NFWF in their efforts to support projects that benefit the habitat for living marine resources in the Gulf of Mexico.
Preproposal Date: 04/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/01/2009
Notification Date: 12/31/2009

Southern Company Longleaf Legacy
This partnership with Southern Company provides approximately $1 million annually for grants for longleaf pine ecosystem reforestation within the Southern Company service area of Georgia, Alabama, northwestern Florida, and southeastern Mississippi.
Preproposal Date: 04/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/01/2009
Notification Date: 10/30/2009

Southern Company Power of Flight
Through the Southern Company Power of Flight program, a minimum of $600,000 is available annually to fund bird conservation projects within the Southern Company service area of Georgia, Alabama, northwestern Florida, and southeastern Mississippi.
Preproposal Date: 04/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/01/2009
Notification Date: 10/30/2009

Sustain Our Great Lakes Program
Provides grants to organizations working to protect, restore or enhance the habitat for fish wildlife and plants of the Great Lakes watershed
Preproposal Date:
Full Proposal Date: 11/17/2008
Notification Date: 04/15/2009

Upper Mississippi River Watershed Fund
The Upper Mississippi River Watershed Fund (UMRWF) is a partnership between the USDA Forest Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. This partnership will provide grants that benefit the stewardship of the forests and the restoration of watersheds in the Upper Mississippi River drainage.
Preproposal Date: 04/15/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/15/2009
Notification Date: 10/01/2009

Wildlife Links
Wildlife Links is a cooperative program between the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the United States Golf Association (USGA) that funds cutting edge research, management, and education projects targeted at golfers and the golf industry.
Preproposal Date: 04/01/2009
Full Proposal Date: 06/01/2009
Notification Date: 11/30/2009

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