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Saguaro National Park
National Park Service Provides Local Community of Rincon Valley Rural Fire Assistance

The Rincon Valley has seen tremendous population growth during the last several years. The Valley, located east of Tucson , Arizona was once populated by only a few scattered homes and grazing cattle. Now, it continues to see new subdivisions going in almost daily. All of the structural fire and medical services are provided by the Rincon Valley Fire Department. The Department, which started in 1985 with one permanent and several volunteers and a hand-me-down engine has grown to 16 permanent personnel staffing 5 engines. Saguaro National Park , just north of the Rincon Valley , has worked with Rincon Valley since its modest beginning.

Working with Saguaro's Fire Management Staff, Rincon Valley Fire developed a grant request through the Rural Fire Assistance Program for 2005. The Department was awarded $5,000 through the grant process, which enabled the Department to add several pieces of important equipment to their engines. But more importantly, Rincon Valley Fire Department instituted the Red Flag Program, a wildfire prevention program in the Rincon Valley . Through Red Flag, Rincon Valley firefighters have contacted over 200 homeowners, increasing the awareness and preparedness of the residents in Rincon Valley.

Firefighters igniting fire during burnout operations.
Kari Brown

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