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Answers for Kid's Tornado Quiz

  1. The correct answer is B -- Tornadoes come from powerful thunderstorms and appears as rotating, funnel-shaped clouds with winds that can reach 300 miles per hour.

  2. The correct answer is C -- Tornado wind speed can reach up to 300 miles per hour.

  3. The correct answer is A -- States in "Tornado Alley" (Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas) are at the highest risk for tornado damage.

  4. The correct answer is C -- Tornado season is usually March through August, although tornadoes can occur at any time of year. They tend to occur in the afternoons and evenings. Tornadoes can occur in any state, but are more frequent in the Midwest, South and Southeast.

  5. The correct answer is B -- Taking shelter once a tornado has been spotted near your house is the most important thing for you and your family to do. Find shelter in areas like a closet, interior bathroom or basement where there is little or no glass and limited objects that could become flying debris.

  6. The correct answer is B -- Remember, a Watch signals that conditions exist to produce tornadoes and that you should remain alert for approaching storms.

  7. The correct answer is C -- A Warning is issued when a tornado has actually been sighted or indicated by weather radar and you should take cover immediately.

  8. The correct answer is B -- A safe room is a specially constructed interior room, such as a closet or even a bathroom, that is able to withstand the high winds of a tornado and flying debris. A family would retreat to this room when a tornado has been sighted. The FEMA Web site has building plans to help families build such a room -- which can save your life.

  9. The correct answer is B, False -- Tornadoes strike with incredible velocity. Wind speeds from tornadoes can approach 300 miles per hour, and as the wind picks up, any loose items in the yard take flight. As the wind intensifies, shingles begin to lift ands trees are uprooted. Unprotected doors give way and the wind is inside the house, pushing the structure from within. Poorly attached window coverings give way and, as pressure builds, the garage door fails, allowing the full force of the wind inside. And all this happens in a matter of seconds.

  10. The correct answer is D -- All of these are examples of prevention measures a family can take to reduce the damage caused by a tornado. For more information about tornado season, go to
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