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Status for: Thermal Anomalies/Fire (MOD14)

General Accuracy Statement
Stage 2 validation of the Level 2 Terra MODIS fire product is nearing completion through analysis of a large number of ASTER scenes over selected time periods and regions, including southern Africa, Brazil, Siberia, and the United States. Together with a simulation-based analysis, these results indicate that in many biomes the minimum flaming (> ~800 K) fire size detectable with MODIS, at 50% probability, is on the order of 100 m².

Product status updated:  September 2008
Product version:  Collection 5

Supporting Studies:

Title: Validation of GOES and MODIS active fire detection products using ASTER and ETM+ data
Author: Wilfrid Schroeder, Elaine Prins, Louis Giglio, Ivan Csiszar , Christopher Schmidt, Jeffrey Morisette, Douglas Morton
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 2711-2726
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Detection rates of the MODIS active fire product in the United States
Author: Todd J. Hawbaker, Volker C. Radeloff, Alexandra D. Syphard, Zhiliang Zhu, Susan I. Stewart
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 2656-2664
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Title: A pragmatic assessment of the usefulness of the MODIS (Terra andAqua) 1-km active fire (MOD14A2 and MYD14A2) products for mapping fires in the fynbos biome
Author: Helen deKlerk
Source: International Journal of Wildland Fire (2008), 17, 166-178
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Validation of Active Fire Detection From Moderate-Resolution Satellite Sensors: The MODIS Example in Northern Eurasia
Author: Ivan A. Csiszar, Jeffrey T. Morisette, and Louis Giglio
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Title: Validation of the MODIS active fire product over Southern Africa with ASTER data
Author: Jeff Morisette, Louis Giglio, Ivan Csiszar, Chris Justice
Source: International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 19, 10 October 2005, 4239-4264
View Summary Results From This Document
Title: Validation of MODIS active fire detection products derived from two algorithms
Author: Jeff Morisette, Louis Giglio, Ivan Csiszar, Alberto Setzer, Wilfrid Schroeder, Douglas Morton, Chris Justice
Source: Earth Interactions, v. 9, no. 9
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Title: The MODIS fire products.
Author: Justice, CO, Giglio L, Korontzi S, Owens J, Morisette JT, Roy D, Descloitres J, Alleaume S, Petitcolin F, Kaufman YJ
Source: Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 244-262.
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Title: Validation of MODIS fire product over Sumatra and Borneo using High Resolution SPOT Imagery
Author: Soo Chin Liew, Chaomin Shen, John Low, Agnes Lim, Leong Keong Kwoh
Source: Proc. 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing & 2003 International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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Additional Validation and Product Quality
PI Maintained Validation Page
Product Quality Documentation for MOD14 - Terra
Product Quality Documentation for MOD14A1 - Terra
Product Quality Documentation for MOD14A2 - Terra
Product Quality Documentation for MYD14 - Aqua
Product Quality Documentation for MYD14A1 - Aqua
Product Quality Documentation for MYD14A2 - Aqua

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Curator: Jaime Nickeson
NASA Official: Robert Wolfe
Last Updated: September 29, 2008
