hazard! You didn't put water in your emergency disaster kit and now that the water pipes are frozen, you're thirsty! Go Back ONE Square
hazard! You didn't strap your water heater to the wall and now an earthquake has stuck! Go Back TWO Squares
hazard! It's flooding and you don't have flood insurance. Soon, your house will be underwater! Go Back THREE Squares
hazard! You've had to evacuate, but you didn't check out your route and now the bridge is blocked by a landslide. Go Back ONE Square
hazard! You put together a family disaster kit that included bottled water, canned food, battery-powered radios and flashlights - and you remembered a can opener! Go Forward ONE
hazard! How come you didn't get in the basement during the tornado? Go Back TWO Squares
hazard! You built a tornado safe room in house. Congratulations! Go Forward TWO
hazard! You listened to the NOAA Weather Radio and were prepared for the tropical storm. Go Forward ONE Square
hazard! How come you didn't get under heavy, sturdy furniture when the earthquake hit? . Go Back ONE Square
hazard! You went outside when the eye of the hurricane passed over - just to look at the damage. Very dangerous! Go Back THREE Squares