Hazard! Your family has a family communication plan in case of emergency. Go Forward TWO Squares |
Hazard! You did not have a Family Communication Plan when the disaster hit your town. Go Back TWO Squares
Hazard! Your house has a tornado safe room Go Forward TWO Squares |
Hazard! It's winter and you know the signs of hypothermia. Go Forward ONE Square |
Hazard! How come you didn't have hurricane straps? Now you don't have a roof! Go back one square. Go Back ONE Square |
Hazard! Your house has a working smoke detector. Go Forward ONE Square |
Hazard! You have a disaster supply kit for your pet. Go Forward ONE
Hazard! You've installed hurricane shutters on your house. Good for you! Go Forward TWO Squares
Hazard! You did not put hurricane shutters on your window and now all your windows are broken. Go Back TWO Squares
Hazard! You know to become a very small target if there is lightening and to squat low to the ground. Go Forward ONE Square