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the WytookieThe Wytookie

Are you ready?" they say, and I tremble with fear,
'Cause I'm too little and the end is too near.
This giant bug will crush me with its pinching jaws,
So why are my parents worried about their computer's flaws?
It was all too much to take, too much at this age,
If you're not afraid of what happened, just turn the page...

All of a sudden it was cheerful, on December 31st.
Excitement was everywhere, I was ready to burst.
All of my neighbors gathered in the town square
And popped the champagne and fireworks in the air.
You'd better believe, I kept looking over my shoulder --
I was surprised the Wytookie wasn't bolder.

Sometime after midnight into my bed I crept.
I knew in my heart that Wytookie also slept.
As my parents left me I thought I could hear:
"We won't have to worry about that for another 100 years!"
I imagined that maybe Wytookie was my friend,
I'm almost sad that he won't come round again.

Janine Patrick is a Los Angeles based writer. Material used with her permission.

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