BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Business Service Providers

American Chamber of Commerce in Canada

AmCham logo

Contact: Robert Bathgate, National President

c/o Palmer Services
650 Parkhill Road, PH 3,
Peterborough, ON K9J 6N6


The American Chamber of Commerce in Canada (AmCham Canada) is a private, non-profit, membership organization that endeavors to promote the two-way flow of trade and investment, while simultaneously ensuring that the interests of U.S. companies are protected in Canada.

Headquartered in Toronto, AmCham Canada also has chapters in Quebec, the West (Calgary), Ottawa, and Atlantic Canada. AmCham Canada is committed to fostering trade opportunities, advancing economic growth and the efficiency of cross-border mobility. AmCham Canada continually strives to promote and foster a positive climate of commerce, trade and investment between the United States and Canada.