BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Gold Key Matching Service

 Businessperson happy with his deal

Planning a business trip to Canada?

Meetings -- typically between 4 and 6 per day -- are scheduled for you with pre-screened contacts that have confirmed interest in your products or services.

The Gold Key package includes a market briefing by Commercial Service staff knowledgeable about the industry/service sector in Canada. Supplementary services such as appointment escort, translation (in French-speaking areas) and transportation are charged at cost, except for appointments in/near cities of Ottawa, Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, where appointment escort is available at no extra charge. 

Delivery: 4 weeks from receipt of PA.

For more information, please contact Senior Commercial Specialist Madellon Lopes at  or at phone (416) 595-5412, ext. 227.