Masthead banner of Park Science: Integrating Research and Resource Management in the National Parks; ISSN 1090-9966; link to current issue
Volume 24
Number 2
Winter 2006-2007
Arrowhead symbol of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
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Bison herd, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. (Copyright Dan Ng) The ecological future of North American bison

By Michael A. Soukup
Editor's note
Bison as symbol
Wild bison for the future
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Editor's note

Editor’s Note: Following are remarks of Mike Soukup, NPS associate director for Natural Resource Stewardship and Science, on the occasion of the Wildlife Conservation Society meeting on the ecological future of North American bison, held in Denver, Colorado, 23 October 2006. His address rounds out the discussion of bison management in North America by sharing a context for the scientific findings of our cover article on the history and genetics of federal bison herds and examining several other important and interrelated management considerations.

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From the Editor
News and Views
Information Crossfile
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Masthead Information
Where the buffalo roam: The role of history and genetics in the conservation of bison on U.S. federal lands
The ecological future of North American bison
Buffelgrass fuel loads in Saguaro National Park, Arizona, increase fire danger and threaten native species
VERP, LAC, VIM, VAMP: A database that compiles user-capacity indicators and standards on the Web
Effects of prescribed fire on small mammals at Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield
An assessment of significant visitor experiences and preferences in Kennecott National Historic Landmark
Speedy conversion of science into management at Rocky Mountain National Park
Using tree-ring dating in hedgerow management at Homestead National Monument of America
Native grasses: Contributors to historical landscapes and grassland-bird habitat in the Northeast
Importance of trap type for the detection and conservation of small mammals
Workforce succession and training needs among National Park Service program managers
Telling time at Grand Canyon National Park
Using prescribed fire to restore evolutionary processes at Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Using a rapid method to predict recreational water quality at Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
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