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Fire Use Training Academy (FUTA) / Prescribed Fire Training Center (PFTC)
NWCG "S" and "I" Courses
Formalized Agency Training Courses
Incident Qualifications
Apprenticeship Program

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

President John F. Kennedy

Formalized Agency Training Courses
Background Information.
Formalized agency training courses provide training in areas such as fuels management methods and technology, silviculture, contracting and GIS. Many times this training is sponsored by a region or local unit. If you have an interest in this type of training your supervisor or training officer may be the best starting place, you can also visit the websites listed below or visit your unit or region's training website.
Related links.

The Cispus Workshop
This hands-on workshop is designed to give today's natural resource professionals proven, innovative communication and collaboration skills. The workshop is taught by fellow agency professionals with on-the-ground experience working with people to resolve natural resource issues. We provide tools and techniques to help you become more efficient and effective in working with others on important issues and decision-making processes. You will also have abundant opportunities to learn from the experiences of fellow participants from various agencies. The skills you learn at Cispus will improve and enhance your ability to work collaboratively within your own agency, with other agencies, and the public.
Visit website.

Technology Enhanced Learning - Schedule of Classes
The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Network is the mechanism whereby thousands of National Park Service employees receive competency based training at or near their work site at little or no cost to them.
Visit website.
Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center
The Carhart Center addresses challenges in wilderness management, training, and education identified by wilderness managers all across the country. The staff works with experts at all levels of the four wilderness-managing agencies, along with outside experts, to develop comprehensive interagency solutions to wilderness challenges using a team approach.
Visit website.
Group at Grand Teton attending symposium.

Wildland Fire Training
Web site that enables access to Local Area, Geographic Area, National, and other related Interagency Wildland Fire Training information.

Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program
Web site provides information which allows individuals to strive for a higher performance level as a leader through self-directed learning opportunities.

Refresher Training
The web site, updated annually, offers guidance, agency policies, emerging issues, training materials and topics to assist instructors in preparing to teach annual refresher training.

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