Samuel F. B. Morse Preview

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Telegraph stations in the United States, the Canadas & Nova Scotia, 1853 Telegraph stations in the United States, the Canadas & Nova Scotia, 1853

This map reveals the status of the telegraph network as it existed in the U.S. in 1853, only nine years after the first message. By this time, only one state east of the Mississippi, Florida, was not connected by telegraph. The legend on the left offers the list of message rates from Pittsburgh. By 1861, telegraph lines connected the American continent; by 1866, the transatlantic cable connected America and Europe.

Chas. B. Barr, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wegner & Buechner lith., 1853.
Col. map 59 x 85 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,200,000
Geography and Map Division

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