BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

South Carolina

S.C. Companies Report Success at RepCan Toronto!

RepCan 2004 South Carolina Delegation

Four South Carolina firms participated in the U.S. Commercial Service's RepCan event in Toronto, June 16-17. This annual event provides participants with the opportunity to meet with potential agents and/or distributors interested in representing their products in the Canadian market. The appointments are scheduled by the U.S. Commercial Service post in Toronto using the Gold Key Service. RepCan 2004 included networking events and an evening reception at the Consul General's residence.

As an added incentive, each company received a $200 check from the S.C. District Export Council to help defray the RepCan participation fee. All four firms have reported that they have strong potential to sign a representative in Canada during the coming months.

South Carolina’s 2004 RepCan delegation members pictured above include (left to right): A.J. Lanigan and Marilyn Becker, TransferPoint LLC; Roy Barrett, Menardi Filters; Debra McKinley and Mitch Mitchell, Charleston Gas Light; Eugene Wallace, Wallace’s Old Fashioned Skins. Also pictured on far right is Jim Cox, Chairman of the S.C. District Export Council. Amy Thomson, S.C. Department of Commerce, and Denis Csizmadia, Greenville U.S. Export Assistance Center, recruited and led the delegation.

Canada is the No. 2 export market for South Carolina, accounting for approximately 25 percent of the state's exports. The Palmetto State ships
$2.6 billion a year to Canada, of which $1.8 billion goes to Ontario (a
figure that has doubled since 1995).

To learn how your company can take advantage of the Gold Key Service in Canada or other markets, contact your local U.S. Export Assistance Center.