1. Flood stage for the Acorn River is 22 feet. On Tuesday, the river was three feet below flood stage. How high was the river?
19 feet
25 feet
91 feet
10 feet
2. On Wednesday, the river was four feet above flood stage. How high was the river?
25 feet
26 feet
18 feet
10 feet
3. On Saturday, the river was another 9 feet above flood stage. Now how high was the river?
31 feet
35 feet
13 feet
17 feet
4. In Femaville, 60 percent of the households have flood insurance policies. There are 2,000 households in Femaville. How many flood insurance policies are there?
120,000 policies
1,200 policies
180 policies
2,060 policies
5. Three towns along the Acorn River might need to evacuate because of flood waters. The towns are: Shelbyville (population 8,922), Bigburg (population 3,007) and Castor (population 571). How many people might be evacuated?
11,986 people
15,200 people
12,500 people
11,929 people
6. If exactly one-fourth of the people who were evacuated went to the Red Cross shelters. How many people would be in shelters?
12,500 people
50,000 people
3,215 people
3,125 people
7. The Acorn River flooded in 1891, 1922, 1954, 1975 and 1991. What is the average number of years between floods?
20 years
25 years
100 years
31 years