A Malaysian maritime police commando captures a supposed pirate on a ship during a demonstration at Westport of Klang, Malaysia, Tuesday, June 29, 2004. Credit: Teh Eng Koon/AP. Teh Eng Koon/AP

Former Piracy Hot Spot Sees
Huge Drop In Attacks

Five years ago, piracy was the scourge of Southeast Asia, not Somalia. Back then, about 40 percent of reported sea attacks occurred in the Strait of Malacca. Now, those attacks have fallen off, due to greater regional cooperation and increased resources to stop piracy. Above, a Malaysian commando captures a supposed pirate during an exercise in 2004 in response to a dramatic uptick in attacks.


GM Posts
$6 Billion Loss
For First Quarter

The automaker has received $15.4 billion in federal loans and faces a June 1 government deadline to finish a restructuring plan or go into bankruptcy protection.

Graduates Brace
For Worst Job
Market In Years

Employers may cut on-campus hiring by more
than 20 percent.

For Sen. Sessions, Appointment Is Vindication

Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, once rejected for a judgeship, has replaced Sen. Arlen Specter as the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee.


Don't Miss

The triumphant human elbow. Credit: iStockphoto.com.

Elbow: The Weirdest Joint

On the upside of the recent flu mania, one weird body part is receiving new attention: the elbow.

Irish writer James Joyce (1882-1941). Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Commentary: 100 Years, 100 Novels, One List

Listing the best 100 novels of the 20th century is quite a task.

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Former Vice President Dick Cheney. Credit: AP.

Cheney Chooses Spotlight Over Keeping Quiet

The powerful ex-vice president picks the path less traveled and vocally opposes some Obama policies.

Gretchen Robbins, of Winthrop, Maine, smiles while hugging Sarah Reece of Los Angeles, after Maine's House members gave final approval to a same-sex marriage bill at the State House in Augusta, Maine, on Tuesday, May 5, 2009. Credit: Pat Wellenbach/AP.

Gay Marriage Leaps Ahead In Maine, N.H.

Maine's governor signed a bill Wednesday allowing the practice and was followed closely by the New Hampshire Legislature passing its own bill.

CDC/Centers For Disease Control and Prevention..

Inside The New Flu Virus

A new discovery: Swine flu had been circulating undetected in Mexico since last fall.

Dick Meyer.

Against The Grain

100 Years, 100 Novels, One List

Listing the best 100 novels of the 20th century is quite a task. At the risk of mockery, I share.

Mother's Mix; credit: Lindsay Powell/NPR

Mother's Mix

Give Mom a link to our music mix -- the gift that costs you nothing and involves no thought whatsoever. It'll give her something to listen to while she waits in vain for your phone call.

Jason Lytle; CREDIT: Jeff Hawe

First Listen

Grandaddy's Jason Lytle: 'Yours Truly, The Commuter'

The songwriter's new solo album covers the struggle between the dreamworld of the idealistic artist and the bill-paying regular guy.

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. Photo: Paramount Pictures

Pop-Culture Fault Lines

Some Fans May Skip This 'Trek'

J.J. Adams' prequel targets new fans with a young cast and a slick style. But some say its marketing doesn't respect die-hard devotees.

China earthquake promo graphic.

Chengdu Diary

The Billboard Has Risen

Visions of the new Beichuan, China, rise by the side of the road.


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