Welcome to
Gift From Within

An International Nonprofit Organization for
Survivors of Trauma and Victimization

- Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within. Franz Kafka

Educational Webcasts
on PTSD for Survivors & Therapists
Site Map

  Dear Friends,

We started Gift From Within in 1993 with the intention of giving trauma survivors, their loved ones and supporters a credible online website that was friendly and supportive. PTSD is real and we wanted to explain the condition without being too technical or too superficial. Gift From Within believes that persons with PTSD and related traumatic stress syndromes deserve the same respect and support that individuals and families suffering the impact of cancer, heart disease and stroke receive. At least 10,000,000 Americans have experienced some form of PTSD. Gift From Within was founded to help provide this support. Proceeds from the sale of the materials will be dedicated to accomplishing this mission. You can help with your purchase or donation. Thank you!

- Frank M. Ochberg, M.D.


Our Mission

Gift from Within

Gift From Within produces educational training tapes for mental health providers and valuable resources for survivors.

 Products Catalog and Order Form - PTSD Videos

GFW helps everyone with PTSD by sharing ideas, improving morale, and reducing the stigma of the diagnosis and its treatment. We have articles written by authorities in the field, poetry and art gallery for trauma survivors, peer support pal network, personal coping and inspirational stories, a Q&A, videos, book reviews, list of retreats for survivors, global list of trauma survivor support groups, and other educational materials and resources.
Learn More About The Support Pal Network
Support Pal Form -
Survivors find peer support.

 Help Support Gift From Within          Use PayPal to donate online!

    Part of our funding comes through a generous grant from
    the Mason Dart Trauma Project, sales of educational videotapes, and through
    the generous supportof consumers, survivors, and health advocates.
     "At Gift From Within," we appreciate all donations, large and small. Anyone who does donate $100 or more automatically becomes a member of our Band of Angels.
     You can also help support Gift From Within by making purchases at Amazon by following any of the links on our website. GFW receives a referral fee for every order. Please tell your friends and family. Please note that our videos are not available through Amazon.

In Association with Amazon.com          

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GoodSearch is a search engine which donates 50-percent of its revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users.
Mental Help Net is an established and highly regarded internet website dedicated to educating the public about mental health, wellness, and family and relationship issues and concerns.
This page has been selected as: "one of the most relevant pages related to a particular topic [PTSD] on the web today, using an objective statistical measure applied to an extremely large data set."
(Links2Go Awards)
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Key Resource

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Essential skills for an excellent career!

Contacting Gift from Within:

Gift from Within
16 Cobb Hill Rd.
Camden, Maine 04843
Fax: 207-236-2818
Email: JoyceB3955@aol.com

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Copyright © 1995 - 2009 Gift from Within,Camden, Maine 04843
html Copyright © 1995 - 2009 SourceMaine, Belfast, Maine 04915
Content may not be reproduced on websites without express permission. Please link instead.
Please be aware that the materials on this website are intended for educational purposes. This is not meant to replace or act as a substitute for the care and advice given to you by your own clinician or mental health counselor.

Last updated by David Clarke 20 January 2009
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