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Alaska Volcano Observatory

Fourpeaked description and statistics

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Type:StratovolcanoA vent in the surface of the Earth through which magma and associated gases and ash erupt; also, the form or structure (usually conical) that is produced by the ejected material.
Most Recent Activity:September 17, 2006
Seismically Monitored: Yes
Current Color Code:GREEN
Distance: 208 mi (335 km) from Anchorage
Elevation: 6903 ft (2104 m)
Latitude: 58.7703° N
Longitude:153.6738° W
Quadrangle: Afognak
CAVW Number:1102-26-
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Pronunciation:pronunciation Sound file
Synonyms:Fourpeaked Mtn.
Fourpeaked volcano
Gora Chetierek Glavaia
Tapirag, Mt.
St. Dolmat
Four Peaks, Island of the
Four Peaked Mtn.
From Wood and Kienle (1990): "Fourpeaked Mountain consists of small isolated volcanic exposures surrounded by the Fourpeaked Glacier. The exposures are found along ridge crests and cliff faces on the sides of ridges that radiate out from the ice-covered summit. Lava flows are interlayered with volcanic agglomerate in the isolated exposures.

"Orientation of lava flows suggests the present summit of Fourpeaked is probably the vent for Fourpeaked volcano. Extensive hydrothermal alteration of rocks in this area is consistent with this vent location.

"Fourpeaked is known only from limited reconnaissance studies. The lavas are porphyritic andesite."

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