Sabrina's Lightning Tips
[ Story and Artwork ]
Barnes and Noble Hurricane Expo Poster Contest,
Wilmington NC.
[ Artwork ]
Pointer Ridge Elementary School Disaster Preparedness
[ Story, Photos, and Artwork ]
Tornadoes: The Most Deadly Natural Occuance
British Students' Tornadoes Report
[ Report ]
Flood of the Century
Kids' Experiences with Hurricane Floyd
[ Poems ]
Rumble Tumble
An illustrated story about earthquakes by Katy
[ Story ]
Hurricane Floyd
Poems by Two Students from Sudlersville Elementary
[ Poems ]
A Flood of Memories
Poems by Lincoln Elementary School Students,
Grand Forks, ND
[ Poems ]
Let's Get Prepared for Hurricanes and Severe
A 1999 Barnes and Noble Contest, North Carolina.
[ Artwork ]
Oklahoma Thank-You Cards
Illustrated cards by Westminster School Fifth-graders
from Oklahoma.
[ Cards ]
Sudley Elementary School
Miss Heather Johnson's second graders show how
to prepare for winter storms
[ Writing & Drawings ]
Keonepoko Elementary School and the American
Red Cross Rapid Response Corps.
15-540 Kahakai Blvd.
Pahoa, HI 96778-9348
Principal Valerie Capellas
[ Drawings ]
Cabello Elementary School
4500 Cabello Street
Union City, California 94587
Cards created for students who were victims of
Hurricane Georges
[ Cards ]
Riverside School
2303 Riverside Blvd.
Sioux City, Iowa 51103
Cards created for students who were victims of
Hurricane Georges
[ Cards ]
Ligon Middle School
Raleigh, North Carolina
Cards and letters written to students who were
victims of Hurricane Georges
[ Cards | Letters
Medway Middle School
Medway, Massachusetts
Cards and letters written to students who were
victims of Hurricane Georges
[ Cards | Letters
Arkansas Tech University
School of Community Education and Professional Development
Cards created for students who were victims of
Hurricane Georges
[ Cards ]
Reilly School
Chicago, IL
Letters written to students who were victims
of Hurricane Georges
[ Letters ]
Barnes and Noble Bookstore Kid Event
Wilmington, North Carolina
[ Drawings ]
Elementary Schools in Fountain, Parke and
Vermillion Counties
Courtesy of the Newport Chemical Depot and State of Indiana Emergency
Management Agency
[ Drawings ]
New Hanover County, North Carolina
Project Impact
Drawings by third graders in New Hanover County,
NC, demonstrating ways people can be more disaster resistant
[ Drawings ]
Santa Fe High School
16331 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Alachua, FL 32615
Letters written to students who were victims
of Hurricane Georges
[ Letters ]
River Heights Elementary School
East Grand Forks, Minnesota
Students Write Letters to Other Students Who
Have Experienced Disaster
[ Letters ]
James L. Cowart School
Athens, Alabama
[ Disaster Action Kids Prepare for Dark
| Students ]
Northwest Minnesota Disaster Response Network
1620 Central Ave.,NE,
East Grand Forks, MN 56721
[ Things NOT To Do After A Disaster]
[ The Good and The Bad of the East Grand Forks Flood of 1997
| Students ]
Kids Talk About the Maine
Ice Storm
MSAD #75 Central Office
1 Main Street
PO Box 475
Topsham, ME 04086
These comments were collected by The Community
of Learners Network, which serves the schools and communities of Bath,
Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Brunswick, Harpswell and Topsham, Maine. They
are the largest educational WAN in the state, connecting some 23 schools.
[ The Hardest Part | The
Good Part | Creative Ways to Get Through
It | What Did You Learn? ]
Manvel School
Box 98
Manvel, N.D. 58256
[ Stories | Poems | Drawings | Students
Timilty Middle School
Boston, MA
[ Taking Care of Each Other ]
Ligon GT Magnet Middle School
"Stories, poems & drawings about Hurricane Fran"
Ligon Homepage ]
[ MidLink
Magazine site ] -- edited by Ligon students
as a special project, and constructed by kids in schools all over
the world.
Wake County Public Schools
706 E Lenoir Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
[ Stories | Poems
| Drawings | Students ] |