My Tornado Story
By Cynthia, Age 10
Knoxville, Tennessee
One day, I was coming back from softball practice for the MiniLeagues. I
had a hot dog in my hand and my sports bag round my ankle, dragging it
every step because my hands were full. When we got to the doorway of our
house, I looked up at the sky that used to be sunny. Now the sky was green!
I asked my dad (who is a science professer at Texas Community College) and
he said that sometimes the sky can be green because the moisture from the
grass gets evaporated into the air, then it goes up into the sky. I was
really suprised to hear this! Then i could see a big cloud forming right
across the field where we grow our corn. The cloud was really grey and big.
Then it started moving and swirling. I saw it pick up a shingle off our
barn!!! Then it tore off two, then it left. It was really scary!!! My dad
said that this could be a F5 tornado, because it was causing so much
destruction to our barn. The tornado was coming toward us closer and closer.
Finally I could feel the air coming. It sucked my hot dog right out of my
hand! Then it started to pull on my bag. It pulled me to where the fence
was, then my bag got stuck on the fence!!! So the air was pulling me up and
the fence was keeping me down. Then finally it started pulling the fence
out of the ground!!! So i went up with it, but then I got thrown down and I
hit the ground hard. I had a major piece of fence hit my foot. It hurt so
bad and I was crying and my mom was crying too. My dad called for the
hospital. We went there and they said that there was no damage done. Now
we live safely at home, but tornados still have a threat of hitting us.
My thoughts of after the tornado were good. It was fun seeing the swirl of
air in the sky, but it was very brown because of all the dirt in it.