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 IMMPaCt - International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control Program
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CDCynergy for Micronutrients

CDCynergy is a CD-Rom based tool that provides a framework for planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating health communication programs within a public health context. The CDCynergy tool was developed by the CDC Office of Communication, and through collaboration with the CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, has been tailored to the international micronutrient context.

The aim of CDCynergy for Micronutrients

The aim of CDCynergy for Micronutrients is to provide a systematic approach to planning a successful communication intervention based on epidemiological principles

CDCynergy 2001 MICRONUTRIENT EDITION Your Guide to Effective Health CommunicationWhat are the features of CDCynergy for Micronutrients

The CDCynergy for Micronutrients contains a basic planning framework with an action oriented workbook plus a micronutrient library and specific case examples from micronutrient communication programs throughout the world.

Each of the case examples was adapted from actual international micronutrient communication projects conducted by various agencies. Case examples include

Outline of CDCynergy

Phase 1

Define the scope and severity of a micronutrient problem. Clarify the agency's role or relative strength.

Phase 2

Examine at-risk populations, causal factors, and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) as well as the ethics, of different intervention approaches. Determine whether communication will play a lead or supporting role.

Phase 3

Use research techniques to understand and describe various publics, or audience segments. Develop audience-specific communication objectives.

Phase 4

Develop and pre-test concepts, messages and materials, keeping evaluation needs in mind.

Phase 5

Manage micronutrient communication and evaluation activities effectively and efficiently.

Phase 6

Analyze evaluation data, share information and determine next steps.


After completing all of the phases of CDCynergy the user will


Progress and Future Plans

Following the development phase of CDCynergy for Micronutrients, CDC conducted a training of trainers in Atlanta in January 2002 for communication and nutrition experts from various regions of the world. These trained experts are now working with CDC to train program managers through national and regional workshops in

In most cases, after the regional training workshops selected participating countries will be supported with seed money to implement a micronutrient communication program utilizing CDCynergy.

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Page last reviewed: May 22, 2007
Page last updated: May 22, 2007
Content Source: Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion