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In Remembrance of 9/11: Chagrin Falls Intermediate School

A Child's Letter for Rembrance of 9/11

Child's letter in remembrance of the one-year anniversary of September 11.
Caption: Dear America, Though September 11 is beyond imaginable we need to move forward. This will be hard for as well as the rest of America. As a country we need to join together. With each other we can make it through this tough time. When it happened I did not understand. Now after 1 year I have begun to understand. Talking and writing about 9/11 has really helped. It might help you, too. I have many hopes for America. I hope we become stronger as a nation.I hope we continue our patrisom. I hope we continue to work hard. I hope the economy is rebuilt and most of all I hope we will help each other. God Bless America!

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