JACKSON, Samuel Dillon, (1895 - 1951)

Senate Years of Service: 1944-1944
Party: Democrat

JACKSON, Samuel Dillon, a Senator from Indiana; born near Zanesville, Allen County, Ind., May 28, 1895; attended the public schools of Fort Wayne, Ind.; graduated from the Indiana University Law School at Indianapolis in 1917, and admitted to the bar the same year; during the First World War, served as a captain of Infantry 1917-1919; engaged in the practice of law at Fort Wayne, Ind., in 1919; prosecuting attorney of Allen County, Ind., 1924-1928; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for election in 1928 to the Seventy-first Congress; attorney general of Indiana 1940-1941; appointed on January 28, 1944, as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Frederick Van Nuys and served from January 28, 1944, to November 13, 1944, when a duly elected successor qualified; was not a candidate for election to fill the vacancy; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Governor of Indiana in 1944; resumed the practice of law; died in Fort Wayne, Ind., March 8, 1951; interment in Lindenwood Cemetery.