NIOSH Mining Safety Idea

Ideas to Reduce Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Rail Unloading Device

Old Way:The miner pulls the rail off of the car manually. Manual lifting of rail is extremely hazardous and should be avoided if at all possible.
New Way:A simple pulley system can be used to unload the rail without exposing the worker to the risk of a disabling back injury. A cable attached to the rail car is run around a pulley (mounted on the mine rib) and then hooked to the rail itself. As the rail car is pulled back, the rail is automatically unloaded.

Unloading rail by hand  Unloading rail with a pully
Old Way New Way
Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/28/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division