NIOSH Mining Safety Idea

Ideas to Reduce Roof Fall Injuries

Roof Screen

Issue:Coal miners are often exposed to poor roof conditions. Nearly 500 rock fall injuries are reported each year, and most are caused by rocks falling from between the roof bolts. These loose rocks that injure miners on average weigh 280 pounds.
Solution:NIOSH has found that most rock fall injuries can be prevented by installing roof screen during the bolting cycle. Roof screen is a sheet of steel wire grid. When bolted up against the mine roof, it provides far more coverage than any common surface control used in the mines today. Because more mine roof is covered, there is less chance that a rock will fall and cause injury.

Mine roof without roof screeninf  Mine roof with roof screen installed
Issue Solution

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Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/28/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division