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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (CDOM): Staff Biographies

Jan De La Mare, M.P.Aff.

Jan De La Mare is a Program Specialist in CDOM with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). She co-leads AHRQ's Learning Network for Chartered Value Exchanges, which is the primary vehicle for providing technical assistance on performance measurement, public reporting, provider incentives, etc. Jan also serves as a project officer for a number of small conference and research grants and contracts, and manages Agency conferences and research projects. She co-leads an Agency-wide, grassroots initiative focused on implementing organizational improvements at AHRQ, and she is the Center's liaison with AHRQ's Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer to promote and disseminate CDOM's research. She has coauthored several articles related to topic-specific research agendas. Jan received a Master of Public Affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas.

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