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Grand Canyon National Parkmule deer in snow - South Rim Grand Canyon
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Grand Canyon National Park
Riparian: Of the 34 mammal species found along the Colorado River corridor, 15 are rodents and eight are bats. River otters may have disappeared from the park in the last decade and muskrats are extremely rare. However, an increase in the population size and distribution of beavers has occurred seen since the construction of Glen Canyon Dam. Beavers cut willows, cottonwoods, and shrubs for food, and can significantly affect the riparian vegetation. Other rodents, such as antelope squirrels and pocket mice, are mostly omnivorous, using many different vegetation types. Grand Canyon bats typically roost in desert uplands, but forage on the abundance of insects along the river and its tributaries.

In addition to bats, coyotes, ringtails, and spotted skunks are the most numerous riparian predators. They prey on invertebrates, rodents, and reptiles. Raccoon, weasel, bobcat, gray fox, and mountain lion are also present, but are much more rare. Mule deer and desert bighorn sheep are the ungulates that frequent the river corridor. Since the removal of 500 ferral burros in the early 1980's, bighorn sheep numbers have rebounded. Mule deer are generally not permanent residents along the river, but travel down from the rim when food and water resources there become scarce.

Desert Scrub: The mammalian fauna in the woodland scrub community consists of 50 species, mostly rodents and bats. Three of the five Park woodrat species live in the desert scrub community. Many generations of woodrats inhabit the same middens, which can serve as valuable indicators of past climatic conditions and associated vegetation. Numerous caves in the inner canyon provide roost sites for migratory and resident bats. Maternity colonies are especially prone to disturbance from human exploration, and greater efforts are needed to inventory park caves for bats and establish protective measures where necessary.

Coniferous Forest: The conifer forests provide habitat for 52 mammal species. Porcupines, shrews, red squirrels, tassel eared Kaibab and Abert squirrels, black bear, mule deer, and elk are found at the park's higher elevations on the Kaibab Plateau. 

It is illegal to approach or feed wildlife in Grand Canyon National Park 


Related Information About Mammals

A Biologist’s Biologist: Remembering Eric York
Grand Canyon National Park biologist Eric York unexpectedly passed away in the fall of 2007. Learn about Eric’s research on the park’s mountain lions and share in our remembrance of this great man. Park staff honor Eric each day by carrying on his research, and by sharing his passion for big cats, wildlife and wild places.

Mountain Lion Research at Grand Canyon
In 2003, National Park Service wildlife biologists at Grand Canyon National Park initiated a radiotelemetry study of mountain lions in and around the park. The purpose of this study is to gather information about lion behavior, including predation habits, reproductive activity, habitat selection, and other behaviors.

Check Lists

Mammals of Grand Canyon NP (69kb PDF File)

Grand Canyon Invertebrate Species Collection (1.7MB XLS File)
Grand Canyon Vertebrate Animal Species List  (223kb PDF File)

Grand Canyon Threatened & Endangered Species List (52kb PDF File)

Arizona Game and Fish Web Site

mountain lion in tree
NPS Photo by Elaine Leslie
Mountain Lion (Puma concolor)

Ranger Minute - Mountain Lions
(Puma concolor, also called cougars or pumas) inhabit the canyons and forests of Grand Canyon National Park and are the region's only remaining large predator. Surprisingly, very little is known about this secretive animal’s behavior, range, and habits. In this Ranger Minute, Park Ranger Lori Rome shares some interesting facts.

Ranger Minute - March 2007 - Duration 3:26
Windows Media Player--         Quicktime Player 


Did You Know?
The Desert View Park Information Center, located at Desert View Point near Grand Canyon National Park's east entrance, offers a Passport Stamp cancellation station, an excellent selection of books, publications and park information. Open daily

Last Updated: November 20, 2008 at 11:21 EST