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The Effects of Electronic Media on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of Children and Adolescents

May 15-16, 2006


Monday, May 15, 2006

8:30 a.m.

Welcoming Remarks and Introductions
Yvonne Maddox, Deputy Director
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)



8:45 a.m.

Conference Logistics
Lynne Haverkos, Program Director (NICHD)



Session I: Media Use and the Home, School, and Social Environment



8:50 a.m.

Special Audience, Special Concerns: Children and the Media (PDF 155 KB)
Ellen Wartella (University of California, Riverside) Biosketch (PDF 17 KB)
A brief historical perspective on the increased influence of electronic media in the lives of children, adolescents, and families, and a statistical summary of media exposure and use among children and adolescents.



9:15 a.m.

Family Context and Children’s Media Use (PDF 1.2 MB)
Amy Jordan (The University of Pennsylvania) Biosketch (PDF 16 KB)
A brief examination of educational, recreational, and “babysitter” usages of media, and role of family interaction and structure as influences on media use. Abstract



9:40 a.m.

Children's Use of Media in School: Enabling Access to Advanced Mathematics (PDF 311 KB)
Jeremy M. Roschelle (SRI International) Biosketch (PDF 17 KB)
A consideration of the consequences of large-scale use of graphing technologies on students' mathematical proficiency and factors that mediate the impact of school technology use on children's prospects for using mathematics to understand and succeed in their world. Abstract



10:05 a.m.

The Media Landscape for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (PDF 1.7 MB)
Rosemarie Truglio (Sesame Workshop) Biosketch (PDF 16 KB)
An examination of media use for children from birth to four years with insight from Sesame Workshop. Abstract



10:30 a.m.



10:40 a.m.

Group Discussion
Sandra Hofferth (University of Maryland): Discussant and moderator Biosketch (PDF 15 KB)
Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PDF 213 KB) will provide insight into parental decisions affecting children’s time use. Abstract


11:30 a.m.



Session II: Media Influences on Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development: Emphasis on Content and Context
The following presentations consider the importance of the content of the electronic media and the contextual environment including family, home, school, social, and cultural environment in which the media is used or exposure occurs.



12:30 p.m.

Media’s Influence on Early Learning, Memory, and Performance  (PDF 1.3 MB)
Rachel Barr (Georgetown University) Biosketch (PDF 21 KB)
Imitation, learning, and memory development in young infants exposed to electronic media. Abstract


12:55 p.m.

Influence of Media on Cognitive Development (PDF 68 KB)
Dan Anderson (University of Massachusetts) Biosketch (PDF 14 KB)
An examination of media’s influence on cognitive development with consideration of age, gender, and ethnicity. Abstract


1:20 p.m.

Influence of Media on Children’s Attention and Comprehension (PDF 170 KB)
David Bickham (Harvard University) Biosketch (PDF 25 KB)
A look at the influences of electronic media on children’s attention, comprehension, and educational readiness. Abstract


1:45 p.m.

Group Discussion
Vicky Rideout (Kaiser Family Foundation): Moderator



2:45 p.m.



2:55 p.m.

Effects of Media on Social and Emotional Development (PDF 746 KB)
Joanne Cantor (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Biosketch (PDF 25 KB)
An examination of media’s influence on children’s fear and other aspects of emotional and social well-being. Abstract



3:20 p.m.

Effects of Media on Children’s Empathy, Creativity, and Imagination (PDF 90 KB)
Dorothy Singer (Yale University) Biosketch (PDF 15 KB)
A look at how media use influences children’s imagination, play, empathy, and creativity. Abstract


3:45 p.m.

Immersive Environments & Media: Language, Literacy, & Cultural Issues (PDF 445 KB)
Sandra Calvert (Georgetown University) Biosketch (PDF 25 KB)
How language and literacy skills develop for children from different cultural backgrounds in the current media environment as well as ways to maximize literacy skills in the 21st century. Abstract



4:10 p.m.

Group Discussion
Amy Jordan (The University of Pennsylvania) Biosketch (PDF 16 KB)


5:00 p.m.



Tuesday May 16, 2006

Session III: Research Methodology and Theory



8:30 a.m.

Welcome and Overview of the Day
Lynne Haverkos, Child Development and Behavior Branch, NICHD


8:40 a.m.

Reflections on Theory and Methodology in Media Research (PDF 240 KB)
Dimitri Christakis (University of Washington) Biosketch (PDF 16 KB)
Theoretical frameworks and methodological principles useful in media research with a summary of the National Academies of Sciences workshop on media research methods and measures. Abstract



9:05 a.m.

An Ecological Approach to Studying Youth and the Media (PDF 402 KB)
Susan McHale (Penn State) Biosketch (PDF 16 KB)
Consideration of contextual issues including family dynamics in media research methodology. Abstract



9:30 a.m.

Group Discussion
Dan Anderson (University of Massachusetts): Moderator
Biosketch (PDF 14 KB)



10:30 a.m.




Session IV: Gaps in Knowledge and Future Directions



10:40 a.m.

Identifying Gaps and New Directions in Media Research (PDF 163 KB)
Michael Rich (Harvard University): Discussant and Moderator
Biosketch (PDF 18 KB)


11:45 a.m.

Concluding Remarks


12:00 p.m.


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