
1024 X 768 pixels
800 X 600 pixels

Your Special "Clock"
1024 X 768 pixels
800 X 600 pixels

Same Time to Bed
1024 X 768 pixels
800 X 600 pixels

Get Enough Sleep
1024 X 768 pixels
800 X 600 pixels
Wallpaper Instructions
PC Users: Select and click on the correct monitor size. A page will load with the picture. Right click on the image and choose "Save as Wallpaper." Now you will have a new desktop image!
Mac Users: Select and click on the correct monitor size. In the browser window, select "Save As..." from the File menu. Save the image to a safe place on your computer. Launch "Desktop Pictures" and select the saved image with the "Select Picture..." button in the Picture window. Click "Set Desktop" and there you have your new desktop image!


Screensaver Instructions
PC Users: Click on the file link to download, and choose "Save File," saving to your "temp" directory. Using WinZip, (available at www.winzip.com) unzip the file, installing it to your "C:Windows/System" directory. Run the unzipped.exe file and the screen saver will install itself. Enjoy.
Mac Users: Click on the file link to download. Using Stuffit Expander, (available at www.stuffit.com/expander) unstuff the file and move it to the "Control Panels" folder. Open "Control Panel" and adjust the screen settings. Restart the computer to make the screen saver active.
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