Section 4, Part A - Utilities and Fuels for Owned and Rented Properties - Telephone Expenses

Section 4, Part A deals with expenditures for telephone services, including residential service and cellular service.

Now I am going to ask about telephone bills.
Please refer to any billing statements or other records you have when answering these questions. Please remember to include any bills you receive or pay online or have automatically deducted. Report any telephone bill you have received, even if the bill has not been paid.

  1. Enter 1 to Continue

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your CU received any bills for telephone services? Do not include bills for telephones used entirely for business purposes.

  1. Yes
  2. No

For definitions Information Booklet »

What is the name of the company which provides the telephone services? [enter text] _____________

How many telephone bills were received from this telephone services company? [enter value] _____________

Will any of the total charge of the "1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc." bill be deducted as a business expense?

  1. Yes
  2. No

What percentage will be deducted? [enter value] _____________

In what month was the bill received? [enter text] _____________

What was the total amount of the "1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc." bill?
Do not include any unpaid charges from a previous billing period. [enter value] _____________

What types of telephone services did the bill include?

* Enter all that apply

* Read each item on list.

  1. Residential Service
  2. Mobile/Cellular Service

Were any of the following included in the bill?

* Enter all that apply

*Read each item on list.

  1. None
  2. Internet access inluding broadband, DSL, and dial-up
  3. Cable or satellite television service
  4. Non-telephone related rentals or purchases such as a modem

  5. Misc. Combined (unable to specify/DK)

For definitions Information Booklet »

How much of the telephone service bill was for internet access? [enter value] _____________

How much of the telephone service bill was for cable or satellite television service? [enter value] _____________

How much of the telephone service bill was for non-telephone related rentals or purchases? [enter value] _____________

Did you or any member of your CU receive any other bills for telephones not used entirely for business purposes?

  1. Yes
  2. No

End of Section 4A

Go to Section 4 Part B - Utilities and Fuels for Owned and Rented Properties - Other Telephone Expenses »

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Last Modified Date: December 1, 2007