Undersea Volcano Monitoring [NOAA]
  NeMO project
Vents program
  New Millennium Observatory
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NeMO NeT Vent site description

NeMO NeT system design

NeMO Net deployment


NeMO NeT: NeMO Net: A near-real-time system which will link instruments located in the caldera of an active submarine volcano, 1 mile underwater and about 300 miles off Oregon's coast, to the Internet.

NeMO NeT is a breakthrough in ocean engineering utilizing an acoustic modem to relay data from three temperature probes and a camera to a moored buoy, which in turn send the data to NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory via a GOES satellite. The prototype system, operational for one month in 1999 (see representative data below) will be succeeded by a more advanced system during a cruise beginning June 29, 2000. The new system, also to be located at the NeMO seafloor site, is planned to be operational for a year. (See Location Map).

Check out related links Hydrothermal vent image

Images and archive.

More info on this image

The microbial biosphere

NeMO multimedia gallery

  Latest NeMO NeT imageThe camera's view of young tubeworms colonizing a warm water spring located in a lava flow which erupted in 1998.
Check out related links   Latest temperatures
More info on the temperature probes

Cumulative temperature data


Daily temperature plotTemperature is measured once an hour by each of three probes. Every 24 hours the resulting 72 temperature measurements are transmitted to the laboratory.


Move cursor over links below to see temperatures from the three probes:

Probe A  Probe B  Probe C

NeMO partners   Contact information| Credits
US Department of Commerce | NOAA | PMEL | Vents program