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National Office of Public Health Genomics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
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Chapter 15 
 Jennifer Singh and Kate Reed

computer network

The Internet offers many resources that may be useful to national, state and local public health professionals interested in learning more about genomics and public health. This chapter provides a selected list of sites that offer starting points. Many other online resources are available; this list is only a snapshot of some that may be useful for integrating genomics into health promotion and disease prevention programs. Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of this chapter.

CDC's National Office of Public Health Genomics (NOPHG)  

  • CDC National Office of Public Health Genomics (NOPHG)
    This site provides information about ways that human genomic discoveries can be used to improve health and prevent disease. It provides links to activities in public health genomics across the lifespan, including links to programs throughout CDC.
  • Weekly Update
    A weekly update on the impact of human genetic research on disease prevention and public health. To receive notification of this update by e-mail, please send the following message:
    Subject: (leave blank)
    Message: subscribe genetics
  • Public Health Perspectives Series
    On the Highlights page of the NOPHG website, each Public Health Perspective focuses on a single topic and provides information relevant to public health practice. Past topics include family history, BRCA1/2 testing, obesity, and others.

Human Genome Project
(all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Human Genome Project Information from the US Department of Energy
    The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health formally initiated the Human Genome Project in 1990. The project originally was planned to last 15 years, but rapid technological advances allowed it to be completed in 2003. This site provides an overview of the Human Genome Project and links to other sites.
  • National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
    The NHGRI supports genetic and genomic research, investigation into the ethical, legal and social implications surrounding genetics research, and educational outreach activities in genetics and genomics.

Genomic Research (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • August 2003 Issue Brief “Applied Public Health Research in Genomics”
    An issue brief released by ASTHO that outlines the importance of applied public health research in genomics and the types of research needed, the ethical, legal, and social issues that accompany this type of research, current public health genomics research activities, and future research directions.

Genetic Testing
(all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • GeneTests/GeneClinics This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A publicly-funded medical genetics information resource developed for physicians, other healthcare providers, researchers, and others needing information about existing genetic tests. This site includes expert-authored reviews, directories of laboratories and clinics offering genetic tests, and educational materials.
  • Understanding Gene Testing
    Provided by the National Cancer Institute, illustrates what genes are, explains how mutations occur and how they are identified within genes, and discusses the benefits and limitations of gene testing for cancer and other disorders.

Family History (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Genetics & Your Practice This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A resource that provides practical information and resources to assist the busy professional in integrating genetics into their patient care.
  • Your Family History This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A family history tool developed through the collaboration with the American Society of Human Genetics, the National Society of Genetic Counselors and Genetic Alliance.

Genes and Diseases
(all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Office of Rare Diseases (ORD)
    This website provides information about ORD-sponsored scientific activities, an ORD cosponsored genetic and rare diseases information center, and a portal to databases that provide information on major topics of interest in rare diseases research.
  • Genes and Diseases
    A collection of articles that discuss genes and the diseases that they cause from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

Genes and Diseases: Cancer (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • National Cancer Institute 
    • Cancer Genetics
      A comprehensive list of cancer genetics information ranging from general to specific cancer information, policy, and cancer genetics research and information.

Genes and Diseases: Birth Defects (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • National Birth Defects Prevention Network This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A group with the mission to establish and maintain a national network of state and population-based programs for birth defects surveillance and research to assess the impact of birth defects upon children, families, and health care; to identify factors that can be used to develop primary prevention strategies; and to assist families and their providers in secondary disabilities prevention.

Genes and Diseases: Newborn Screening (all links last accessed 2/2008)

Public Health Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (PHELSI) (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Michigan Centers for Genomics and Public Health This reference links to a non-governmental website
    The Michigan Center for Genomics & Public Health seeks to integrate genomic discoveries into public health practice, with consideration of the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with the application of these discoveries, as well as the involvement of the community at large.
  • Genetics and Ethics Page This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A clearinghouse for information on the social, ethical and policy issues associated with genetic and genomic knowledge and technology.

Policy (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Genetics and Public Policy Center This reference links to a non-governmental website
    Information on genetic technologies and genetic policies for the public, media and policymakers. The Genetics and Public Policy Center is funded through a grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Public Health Resources (all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • Coalition of State Genetic Coordinators This reference links to a non-governmental website
    An organization of state and territorial genetics coordinators and others who support the mission to promote core public health functions as they apply to genetics.
  • Harnessing Genetics to Prevent Disease & Improve Health you will need a free Acrobat reader to view this file (95.7KB) This reference links to a non-governmental website
    A guide to help states shape genetics policies for the purpose of advancing individual and collective health. The report highlights recommendations for policymakers to address the social, legal and ethical implications of genetics in their states.
  • The WHO Genetics Programme This reference links to a non-governmental website
    Information about activities undertaken by the WHO Human Genetics Program to help control the “most common hereditary diseases and those having a genetic predisposition.”

Educational Resources
(all links last accessed 2/2008)

  • NOPHG List of Training Tools 
    A list of available training tools, courses, and multi-media educational materials designed to assist public health professionals and educators integrate genomics into public health practice.
Disclaimer: The CDC Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention makes this information available as a public service only. Providing these links does not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or
the federal government, and none should be inferred. Exclusion of information does not mean there are no other useful resources available. The CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links. Note that some links may become invalid over time.

This reference links to a non-governmental website
 Provides link to non-governmental sites and does not necessarily represent the views of the Centers  for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Page last reviewed: June 8, 2007 (archived document)
Page last updated: September 10, 2007
Content Source: CDC's Office of Public Health Genomics