U.S. Census Bureau
Economic Census main page Industry Statistics Sampler:
NAICS 3241
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
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See also 2002 Economic Census data.


2002 Economic Census Industry Series Reports

2002 NAICS Report title Report number Release
date (PDF)
Full report Tables only
Link to
in kb
Link to
in kb
324110 Petroleum Refineries EC02-31I-324110 01/11/2005 link to full pdf 459 link to tables-only pdf 222
324121 Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing EC02-31I-324121 08/11/2004 link to full pdf 443 link to tables-only pdf 202
324122 Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing EC02-31I-324122 08/11/2004 link to full pdf 444 link to tables-only pdf 209
324191 Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing EC02-31I-324191 07/19/2004 link to full pdf 437 link to tables-only pdf 202
324199 All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing EC02-31I-324199 09/01/2004 link to full pdf 440 link to tables-only pdf 201

NAICS Hierarchy: 1997

Introductory text includes scope and methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
(and link to definition)
Value of shipments
Go to industry detail 31-33 Manufacturing 362,829 3,834,700,920 569,808,845 16,805,127
Go to industry detail 324 Petroleum & coal products mfg 2,146 177,393,098 5,546,082 107,625
  3241 Petroleum & coal products mfg 2,146 177,393,098 5,546,082 107,625
Go to industry detail 32411 Petroleum refineries 242 158,667,598 3,884,869 65,448
Go to industry detail 32412 Asphalt paving, roofing, & saturated materials mfg 1,418 10,981,761 1,059,768 27,301
Go to industry detail 32419 Other petroleum & coal products mfg 486 7,743,739 601,445 14,876

Table includes only establishments with payroll.


NAICS 3241: Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing .   This NAICS Industry Group includes establishments classified in the following NAICS Industries: 32411, Petroleum Refineries; 32412, Asphalt Paving, Roofing, and Saturated Materials Manufacturing; and 32419, Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing.


Geographic Distribution -- Petroleum and coal products manufacturing: 1997

Data for the Manufacturing sector are published for the U.S., states with 100 or more employees, metropolitan areas with 250 or more employees, and counties and cities with 500 or more employees. Counts of establishments are also published for ZIP Codes.

For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
State Estab-
Value of shipments
Value of shipments
% of
Go to industry detail United States 2,146 177,393,098 100.00 5,546,082 107,625
Go to industry detail Texas 194 46,244,639 26.07 1,218,123 21,403
Go to industry detail Louisiana 54 26,644,065 15.02 641,047 10,514
Go to industry detail California 205 20,913,779 11.79 723,948 12,755
Go to industry detail Pennsylvania 165 9,447,025 5.33 362,733 7,329
Go to industry detail Illinois 93 9,445,672 5.32 274,343 5,414
Go to industry detail New Jersey 67 8,043,819 4.53 222,559 3,996
Go to industry detail Ohio 183 6,261,183 3.53 256,412 5,697
Go to industry detail Washington 31 5,393,828 3.04 115,743 2,185
Go to industry detail Indiana 61 4,606,223 2.60 155,597 3,238
Go to industry detail Oklahoma 45 4,324,845 2.44 110,792 2,494
Go to industry detail Minnesota 29 3,451,225 1.95 108,260 2,083
Go to industry detail Mississippi 30 2,899,815 1.63 89,769 1,965
Go to industry detail Kansas 24 2,854,680 1.61 92,025 2,004
Go to industry detail Kentucky 41 2,227,827 1.26 60,483 1,241
Go to industry detail Tennessee 51 1,938,611 1.09 47,943 1,291
Go to industry detail Utah 18 1,806,997 1.02 73,397 1,555
Go to industry detail Alabama 34 1,703,677 0.96 89,376 2,221
Go to industry detail Montana 6 1,517,675 0.86 47,486 866
Go to industry detail Alaska 10 1,362,562 0.77 32,241 377
Go to industry detail Wyoming 13 1,281,146 0.72 42,632 871
Go to industry detail Arkansas 27 1,246,180 0.70 41,970 1,257
Go to industry detail Michigan 68 1,235,369 0.70 84,821 1,785
Go to industry detail Colorado 22 856,596 0.48 31,775 608
Go to industry detail New York 152 800,619 0.45 80,433 1,742
Go to industry detail Georgia 56 664,788 0.37 40,670 1,073
Go to industry detail Virginia 20 560,125 0.32 25,953 605
Go to industry detail Missouri 53 533,284 0.30 59,854 1,398
Go to industry detail Wisconsin 18 402,337 0.23 18,220 418
Go to industry detail West Virginia 14 370,939 0.21 16,882 465
Go to industry detail Maryland 40 369,798 0.21 42,838 1,066
Go to industry detail Florida 48 367,017 0.21 28,878 857
Go to industry detail Massachusetts 54 363,204 0.20 50,950 1,260
Go to industry detail Oregon 22 346,384 0.20 32,534 769
Go to industry detail North Carolina 32 311,487 0.18 24,753 764
Go to industry detail Connecticut 39 233,226 0.13 20,993 426
Go to industry detail Iowa 16 110,337 0.06 5,331 166
Go to industry detail Arizona 22 107,810 0.06 11,684 298
Go to industry detail Maine 12 47,828 0.03 11,447 366
All other states, including those below 77 6,096,477 3.44 151,187 2,803
Go to industry detail     Delaware 14 D   D (500-999)
Go to industry detail     Hawaii 4 D   D (500-999)
Go to industry detail     New Mexico 13 D   D (500-999)
Go to industry detail     South Carolina 21 D   D (250-499)
Go to industry detail     Idaho 5 D   D (100-249)
Go to industry detail     North Dakota 2 D   D (100-249)

D = Withheld to avoid disclosure; N = Not available


Other Data from the 1997 Economic Census

to pdf
Series number Title Contents
  link to PDF EC97M- Industry Series Preliminary data including detailed characteristics, establishment size, and product detail
  link to PDF EC97M31S-GS General Summary Detailed statistics, employment size of establishments, method of inventory valuation, and legal form of organization for manufacturing and its subsectors; summaries by industry , state, and metro area.
  link to PDF EC97M31S-PS Product Summary Shipments by detailed product category for 1997 and 1992, without regard to the industry where produced
  link to PDF EC97M31S-MS Material Summary Detailed cost of materials consumed in manufacturing for 1997 and 1992, by industry.
  link to PDF EC97M31S-CR Concentration Ratios Summary Share of shipments and value added accounted for by the 4, 8, 20, and 50 largest companies in each of the 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-digit NAICS industries for 1997
Link to Bridge tables  EC97X-CS3 Bridge Between NAICS and SIC (national only) Defines comparability of individual industries.
Link to Comparative Statistics  EC97X-CS2 Comparative Statistics (U.S. and states) 1997 and 1992 data side by side on a comparable SIC basis
Link to Nonemployer Statistics  EC97X-CS4 Nonemployer Statistics (U.S., states, counties, metros) Nonemployers account for 45 % of establishments and .3 % of receipts in this sector, but are excluded from the reports above.

 Down arrows link to tables in hypertext format for easy navigation. PDF explanation PDF symbols link to reports in Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader which is available free from the Adobe web site.


Data from the Other Census Bureau Programs

Hypertext Tables Title (with link to data) Frequency Smallest Geography Contents
  Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Annual U.S. Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees
  Annual Survey of Manufactures Annual State Detailed national statistics for the industry; 7-digit product classes; general statistics for states
  County Business Patterns Annual County, metro area, ZIP Employees; payroll; number of establishments by employment size of establishment
  E-Commerce Statistics Annual U.S. Total sales and e-commerce sales, receipts or value of shipments
  Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Monthly U.S. Value of shipments, inventories, new orders and unfilled orders
Link to hypertext     
table Nonemployer Statistics Annual State, metro area, county Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees
Link to hypertext table Statistics of U.S. Businesses Annual State, metro area Number of firms, employees, payroll, and revenue by employment-size of the enterprise


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Source: 1997 Economic Census

Last revised: December 02 2004   Questions?