U.S. Census Bureau
Economic Census main page Industry Statistics Sampler:
Wood product manufacturing
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See also 2002 Economic Census data.


2002 Economic Census Industry Series Reports

2002 NAICS Report title Report number Release
date (PDF)
Full report Tables only
Link to
in kb
Link to
in kb
321113 Sawmills EC02-31I-321113 09/08/2004 link to full pdf 458 link to tables-only pdf 215
321114 Wood Preservation EC02-31I-321114 09/22/2004 link to full pdf 450 link to tables-only pdf 210
321211 Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing EC02-31I-321211 09/08/2004 link to full pdf 449 link to tables-only pdf 206
321212 Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing EC02-31I-321212 09/17/2004 link to full pdf 447 link to tables-only pdf 207
321213 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing EC02-31I-321213 09/17/2004 link to full pdf 442 link to tables-only pdf 204
321214 Truss Manufacturing EC02-31I-321214 09/09/2004 link to full pdf 443 link to tables-only pdf 200
321219 Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing EC02-31I-321219 08/04/2004 link to full pdf 448 link to tables-only pdf 212
321911 Wood Window and Door Manufacturing EC02-31I-321911 09/09/2004 link to full pdf 457 link to tables-only pdf 214
321912 Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing EC02-31I-321912 09/16/2004 link to full pdf 456 link to tables-only pdf 217
321918 Other Millwork (Including Flooring ) EC02-31I-321918 09/20/2004 link to full pdf 455 link to tables-only pdf 215
321920 Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing EC02-31I-321920 09/23/2004 link to full pdf 453 link to tables-only pdf 213
321991 Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing EC02-31I-321991 09/09/2004 link to full pdf 447 link to tables-only pdf 204
321992 Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing EC02-31I-321992 09/16/2004 link to full pdf 451 link to tables-only pdf 213
321999 All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing EC02-31I-321999 01/10/2005 link to full pdf 451 link to tables-only pdf 210

NAICS Hierarchy: 1997

Introductory text includes scope and methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
(and link to definition)
Value of shipments
Go to industry detail 31-33 Manufacturing 362,829 3,834,700,920 569,808,845 16,805,127
  321 Wood product mfg 17,367 88,470,180 14,319,193 570,034
Go to industry detail 3211 Sawmills & wood preservation 4,841 29,093,601 3,478,548 130,935
Go to industry detail 3212 Veneer, plywood, & engineered wood product mfg 1,841 18,815,394 3,155,921 113,085
Go to industry detail 3219 Other wood product mfg 10,685 40,561,185 7,684,724 326,014

Table includes only establishments with payroll.


NAICS 321: Wood Product Manufacturing .   Industries in the Wood Product Manufacturing subsector manufacture wood products, such as lumber, plywood, veneers, wood containers, wood flooring, wood trusses, manufactured homes (i.e., mobile home), and prefabricated wood buildings. The production processes of the Wood Product Manufacturing subsector include sawing, planing, shaping, laminating, and assembling of wood products starting from logs that are cut into bolts, or lumber that then may be further cut, or shaped by lathes or other shaping tools. The lumber or other transformed wood shapes may also be subsequently planed or smoothed, and assembled into finished products, such as wood containers.

The Wood Product Manufacturing subsector includes establishments that make wood products from logs and bolts that are sawed and shaped, and establishments that purchase sawed lumber and make wood products. With the exception of sawmills and wood preservation establishments, the establishments are grouped into industries mainly based on the specific products manufacutured.


Geographic Distribution -- Wood product manufacturing: 1997

Data for the Manufacturing sector are published for the U.S., states with 100 or more employees, metropolitan areas with 250 or more employees, and counties and cities with 500 or more employees. Counts of establishments are also published for ZIP Codes.

For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
State Estab-
Value of shipments
Value of shipments
% of
Go to industry detail United States 17,367 88,470,180 100.00 14,319,193 570,034
Go to industry detail Oregon 600 8,432,222 9.53 1,132,361 38,088
Go to industry detail California 1,184 6,169,050 6.97 1,005,754 38,848
Go to industry detail Georgia 555 5,174,866 5.85 691,313 28,083
Go to industry detail North Carolina 869 4,780,409 5.40 826,329 33,399
Go to industry detail Washington 589 4,415,151 4.99 647,891 22,196
Go to industry detail Texas 757 4,383,130 4.95 695,318 29,601
Go to industry detail Alabama 487 4,381,779 4.95 625,499 25,949
Go to industry detail Wisconsin 683 3,747,972 4.24 680,035 28,030
Go to industry detail Mississippi 377 3,335,469 3.77 456,179 18,525
Go to industry detail Pennsylvania 997 3,292,725 3.72 577,732 24,470
Go to industry detail Indiana 601 3,167,438 3.58 563,481 21,692
Go to industry detail Virginia 582 2,774,487 3.14 470,535 19,612
Go to industry detail Arkansas 390 2,562,165 2.90 353,015 14,436
Go to industry detail Minnesota 363 2,499,139 2.82 500,827 15,356
Go to industry detail Tennessee 658 2,402,457 2.72 411,372 18,563
Go to industry detail Ohio 703 2,385,614 2.70 452,802 20,133
Go to industry detail Florida 524 2,269,976 2.57 360,731 15,379
Go to industry detail Michigan 627 2,033,688 2.30 361,385 13,729
Go to industry detail South Carolina 297 2,019,531 2.28 282,067 11,191
Go to industry detail Idaho 206 2,010,498 2.27 262,352 9,288
Go to industry detail Louisiana 213 1,882,540 2.13 245,019 9,178
Go to industry detail New York 575 1,333,633 1.51 250,226 10,375
Go to industry detail Kentucky 440 1,238,812 1.40 225,061 11,319
Go to industry detail Illinois 460 1,138,406 1.29 232,290 9,614
Go to industry detail West Virginia 289 1,074,260 1.21 159,023 7,752
Go to industry detail Iowa 161 1,063,126 1.20 224,780 8,298
Go to industry detail Missouri 586 1,030,082 1.16 196,245 9,741
Go to industry detail Montana 154 1,008,580 1.14 152,826 5,204
Go to industry detail Arizona 204 947,117 1.07 178,093 7,861
Go to industry detail Maine 255 925,361 1.05 189,469 7,930
Go to industry detail Maryland 150 566,558 0.64 91,766 3,908
Go to industry detail Colorado 219 503,339 0.57 98,695 4,033
Go to industry detail New Hampshire 179 476,121 0.54 94,691 3,665
Go to industry detail Vermont 140 419,582 0.47 82,220 3,290
Go to industry detail New Jersey 161 406,402 0.46 80,339 2,793
Go to industry detail Oklahoma 138 405,267 0.46 64,875 2,840
Go to industry detail Massachusetts 230 398,248 0.45 75,478 2,874
Go to industry detail Kansas 101 379,400 0.43 67,991 3,152
Go to industry detail Nebraska 81 326,207 0.37 59,420 2,469
Go to industry detail Utah 135 213,147 0.24 41,764 2,098
Go to industry detail South Dakota 46 204,199 0.23 35,467 1,443
Go to industry detail New Mexico 81 193,120 0.22 33,203 1,502
Go to industry detail Connecticut 115 191,055 0.22 46,141 1,500
Go to industry detail Nevada 47 140,597 0.16 26,659 1,118
Go to industry detail Wyoming 48 128,100 0.14 22,895 1,025
Go to industry detail North Dakota 24 106,989 0.12 23,446 1,066
Go to industry detail Rhode Island 47 101,319 0.11 13,398 526
Go to industry detail Delaware 26 90,248 0.10 18,383 809
Go to industry detail Alaska 32 50,439 0.06 10,044 279
Go to industry detail     Hawaii 24 D   D (100-249)

D = Withheld to avoid disclosure; N = Not available


Other Data from the 1997 Economic Census

to pdf
Series number Title Contents
  link to PDF EC97M- Industry Series Preliminary data including detailed characteristics, establishment size, and product detail
  link to PDF EC97M31S-GS General Summary Detailed statistics, employment size of establishments, method of inventory valuation, and legal form of organization for manufacturing and its subsectors; summaries by industry , state, and metro area.
  link to PDF EC97M31S-PS Product Summary Shipments by detailed product category for 1997 and 1992, without regard to the industry where produced
  link to PDF EC97M31S-MS Material Summary Detailed cost of materials consumed in manufacturing for 1997 and 1992, by industry.
  link to PDF EC97M31S-CR Concentration Ratios Summary Share of shipments and value added accounted for by the 4, 8, 20, and 50 largest companies in each of the 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-digit NAICS industries for 1997
Link to Bridge tables  EC97X-CS3 Bridge Between NAICS and SIC (national only) Defines comparability of individual industries.
Link to Comparative Statistics  EC97X-CS2 Comparative Statistics (U.S. and states) 1997 and 1992 data side by side on a comparable SIC basis
Link to Nonemployer Statistics  EC97X-CS4 Nonemployer Statistics (U.S., states, counties, metros) Nonemployers account for 45 % of establishments and .3 % of receipts in this sector, but are excluded from the reports above.

 Down arrows link to tables in hypertext format for easy navigation. PDF explanation PDF symbols link to reports in Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader which is available free from the Adobe web site.


Data from the Other Census Bureau Programs

Hypertext Tables Title (with link to data) Frequency Smallest Geography Contents
  Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Annual U.S. Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees
  Annual Survey of Manufactures Annual State Detailed national statistics for the industry; 7-digit product classes; general statistics for states
  County Business Patterns Annual County, metro area, ZIP Employees; payroll; number of establishments by employment size of establishment
  E-Commerce Statistics Annual U.S. Total sales and e-commerce sales, receipts or value of shipments
  Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Monthly U.S. Value of shipments, inventories, new orders and unfilled orders
Link to hypertext     
table Nonemployer Statistics Annual State, metro area, county Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees
  Quarterly Financial Report Quarterly U.S. Income, retained earnings, balance sheets, and related financial and operating ratios for the domestic operations of manufacturing corporations with assets over $250,000, and corporations in the mining and trade areas with over $50 million.
Link to hypertext table Statistics of U.S. Businesses Annual State, metro area Number of firms, employees, payroll, and revenue by employment-size of the enterprise


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Source: 1997 Economic Census

Last revised: December 02 2004   Questions?