U.S. Census Bureau
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See also 2002 Economic Census data.


2002 Economic Census Industry Series Reports

2002 NAICS Report title Report number Release
date (PDF)
Full report Tables only
Link to
in kb
Link to
in kb
2211 Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution EC02-22I-03 12/14/2004 link to full pdf 373 link to tables-only pdf 195
2212 Natural Gas Distribution EC02-22I-01 10/25/2004 link to full pdf 359 link to tables-only pdf 187
2213 Water, Sewage, and Other Systems EC02-22I-02 11/16/2004 link to full pdf 363 link to tables-only pdf 189

NAICS Hierarchy: 1997

Introductory text includes scope and methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
(and link to definition)
Go to industry detail 22 Utilities 15,513 411,713,327 36,594,684 702,703
  221 Utilities 15,513 411,713,327 36,594,684 702,703
Go to industry detail 2211 Electric power generation, transmission, & distribution 7,935 269,095,239 30,439,772 564,525
Go to industry detail 2212 Natural gas distribution 2,747 136,995,356 5,109,542 102,878
Go to industry detail 2213 Water, sewage, & other systems 4,831 5,622,732 1,045,370 35,300

Table includes only establishments with payroll.


NAICS 221: Utilities .   Industries in the Utilities subsector provide electric power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage removal through a permanent infrastructure of lines, mains, and pipes. Establishments are grouped together based on the utility service provided and the particular system or facilities required to perform the service.


Geographic Distribution -- Utilities: 1997

Data for the Utilities sector are published for the U.S., states and metropolitan areas

For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
State Estab-
% of
Go to industry detail United States 15,513 411,713,327 100.00 36,594,684 702,703
Go to industry detail Texas 1,816 74,102,272 18.00 2,817,483 57,717
Go to industry detail Pennsylvania 606 39,604,029 9.62 2,080,808 38,952
Go to industry detail California 894 27,017,599 6.56 3,090,498 52,662
Go to industry detail New York 371 23,107,726 5.61 3,019,160 59,255
Go to industry detail Ohio 533 16,893,425 4.10 1,533,320 31,560
Go to industry detail Illinois 390 15,364,484 3.73 1,989,591 33,717
Go to industry detail Michigan 385 15,044,220 3.65 1,486,094 25,464
Go to industry detail Florida 524 12,879,426 3.13 1,385,824 27,652
Go to industry detail Massachusetts 222 12,081,644 2.93 942,161 15,931
Go to industry detail New Jersey 294 11,626,246 2.82 1,254,446 21,147
Go to industry detail Georgia 498 10,729,941 2.61 1,053,048 21,420
Go to industry detail Virginia 291 10,386,611 2.52 916,683 17,251
Go to industry detail Indiana 418 9,070,255 2.20 867,569 18,511
Go to industry detail North Carolina 390 9,018,245 2.19 1,218,845 23,765
Go to industry detail Kentucky 328 8,236,037 2.00 505,207 11,367
Go to industry detail Louisiana 516 6,797,847 1.65 609,380 12,641
Go to industry detail Alabama 455 6,607,767 1.60 798,712 14,286
Go to industry detail Missouri 342 6,172,065 1.50 838,053 16,685
Go to industry detail Arizona 235 5,840,283 1.42 595,361 10,546
Go to industry detail Wisconsin 253 5,486,574 1.33 716,343 13,762
Go to industry detail Connecticut 145 5,253,307 1.28 666,399 11,161
Go to industry detail Colorado 317 5,205,694 1.26 467,662 9,771
Go to industry detail Oklahoma 362 5,170,284 1.26 401,850 9,128
Go to industry detail Maryland 106 5,065,035 1.23 645,747 11,295
Go to industry detail Oregon 226 4,568,560 1.11 424,608 7,402
Go to industry detail Minnesota 240 4,441,121 1.08 675,602 13,205
Go to industry detail South Carolina 267 4,353,874 1.06 600,074 12,209
Go to industry detail Utah 152 3,882,523 0.94 293,818 5,580
Go to industry detail Kansas 248 3,697,876 0.90 378,277 7,811
Go to industry detail Arkansas 359 3,423,168 0.83 352,733 7,711
Go to industry detail Iowa 280 3,422,242 0.83 362,998 8,353
Go to industry detail West Virginia 240 3,263,383 0.79 353,805 7,767
Go to industry detail Washington 339 3,217,874 0.78 291,181 6,245
Go to industry detail Mississippi 617 3,085,587 0.75 340,424 8,307
Go to industry detail New Mexico 206 2,168,665 0.53 251,083 5,868
Go to industry detail Tennessee 162 1,815,049 0.44 154,980 3,771
Go to industry detail Maine 105 1,687,754 0.41 170,719 3,766
Go to industry detail New Hampshire 104 1,484,720 0.36 179,528 3,222
Go to industry detail Idaho 169 1,261,248 0.31 153,944 3,216
Go to industry detail North Dakota 129 1,158,013 0.28 154,881 3,303
Go to industry detail Rhode Island 27 1,038,729 0.25 99,554 1,963
Go to industry detail Wyoming 132 1,012,364 0.25 137,861 2,767
Go to industry detail Montana 215 949,275 0.23 160,080 3,296
Go to industry detail Vermont 53 831,721 0.20 93,667 1,838
Go to industry detail South Dakota 137 619,703 0.15 83,998 2,153
Go to industry detail Alaska 85 598,417 0.15 102,592 1,670
All other states, including those below 330 12,970,445 3.15 878,033 15,634
Go to industry detail     Nevada 86 D   D (5000-9999)
Go to industry detail     Delaware 27 D   D (2500-4999)
Go to industry detail     District of Columbia 33 D   D (2500-4999)
Go to industry detail     Hawaii 43 D   D (2500-4999)
Go to industry detail     Nebraska 141 D   D (1000-2499)

D = Withheld to avoid disclosure; N = Not available


Other Data from the 1997 Economic Census

to pdf
Series number Title Contents
  link to PDF EC97T22S-LS Source of Revenue Includes revenue by industry by source or type of revenue for the U.S.
  link to PDF EC97T22S-SZ Establishment and Firm Size Includes firms by revenue size, employment size, legal form of organization, number of units, and concentration in the largest companies for the U.S. Also includes establishments by revenue size and by employment size for the U.S.
  link to PDF EC97T22S-SB Miscellaneous Subjects Includes topics that vary from industry to industry
  link to PDF EC97T22S-SM Summary Republication of key tables from other reports
Link to Bridge tables  EC97X-CS3 Bridge Between NAICS and SIC (national only) Defines comparability of individual industries.
Link to Comparative Statistics  EC97X-CS2 Comparative Statistics (U.S. and states) 1997 and 1992 data side by side on a comparable SIC basis
Link to Nonemployer Statistics  EC97X-CS4 Nonemployer Statistics (U.S., states, counties, metros) Nonemployers account for 51 % of establishments and .1 % of receipts in this sector, but are excluded from the reports above.

 Down arrows link to tables in hypertext format for easy navigation. PDF explanation PDF symbols link to reports in Portable Document Format (PDF). In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader which is available free from the Adobe web site.


Data from the Other Census Bureau Programs

Hypertext Tables Title (with link to data) Frequency Smallest Geography Contents
  Annual Capital Expenditures Survey Annual U.S. Capital expenditures for structures and equipment for companies with paid employees
  County Business Patterns Annual County, metro area, ZIP Employees; payroll; number of establishments by employment size of establishment
Link to hypertext     
table Nonemployer Statistics Annual State, metro area, county Number of establishments and sales of firms with no paid employees
Link to hypertext table Statistics of U.S. Businesses Annual State, metro area Number of firms, employees, payroll, and revenue by employment-size of the enterprise


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Source: 1997 Economic Census

Last revised: December 02 2004   Questions?