1997 Nonemployer Statistics
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
54 Professional, scientific, & technical services t 25,087 t 3,884,381 20,805 578,241 4,282 3,306,140
541 Professional, scientific, & technical services t 25,087 t 3,884,381 20,805 578,241 4,282 3,306,140
5411 Legal services 2,102 596,938 1,243 52,576 859 544,362
5412 Accounting, tax return prep, bookkeeping, & payroll services 3,171 369,101 2,462 35,206 709 333,895
541211 Offices of certified public accountants 709 177,127 323 7,698 386 169,429
541213 Tax return preparation services 608 16,979 543 5,832 65 11,147
541214 Payroll services 64 107,426 26 2,165 38 105,261
541219 Other accounting services 1,790 67,569 1,570 19,511 220 48,058
5413-a Architectural, engineering, & related services N N 1,724 53,282 N N
54131 Architectural services 517 124,904 349 14,201 168 110,703
54132 Landscape architectural services X X 163 3,983 X X
54133 Engineering services 1,276 566,267 793 28,009 483 538,258
54134 Drafting services 268 17,754 235 4,025 33 13,729
54135 Building inspection services 83 4,406 64 1,112 19 3,294
54136 Geophysical surveying & mapping services N N D D 12 4,599
54137 Surveying & mapping (except geophysical) services 148 21,703 91 1,106 57 20,597
54138 Testing laboratories N N D D 53 48,003
5414 Specialized design services 875 83,083 697 21,331 178 61,752
5415 Computer systems design & related services 2,768 839,009 2,239 60,669 529 778,340
5416 Management, scientific, & technical consulting services 5,046 427,916 4,452 118,777 594 309,139
5417 Scientific research & development services 271 124,686 172 4,818 99 119,868
5418 Advertising & related services 1,035 375,070 753 37,473 282 337,597
5419 Other professional, scientific, & technical services t 7,270 t 276,113 7,063 194,109 207 82,004
54191 Marketing research & public opinion polling 169 27,232 146 3,265 23 23,967
54192 Photographic services 713 57,877 554 15,742 159 42,135
54193 Translation & interpretation services 226 12,932 215 2,776 11 10,156
54194 Veterinary services X X 69 1,920 X X
54199 All other professional, scientific, & technical services 6,093 176,152 6,079 170,406 14 5,746
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

Top All-sector table Data in formats for downloading
Publication (page images) (U.S. and state data only)

Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

Last modified: 1/17/02   Questions?