Voytek Microbiology

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Microbiology and Molecular Ecology of biogeochemical cycles in aquatic environments

Microbes are essential in contributing to and maintaining the health of aquatic ecosystems. They form the base of food webs and mediate essential biogeochemical processes, including the degradation of xenobiotic contaminants. We are conducting basic research on the microbially mediated geochemical transformations of organic and inorganic compounds in a variety of marine and freshwater environments in order to define the chemical and microbial processes that transform, degrade, or otherwise affect the fate and transport of contaminants and other compounds of interest.

The Microbiology/ Molecular Ecology Team at USGS, led by Mary Voytek, employs a synthesis of environmental measurements and laboratory experiments with various molecular techniques to examine changes in the microbial community in response to environmental pressures, gradients or changes.

Understanding Ecosystems and Predicting Ecosystem Change

Climate Variability and Change

Energy and Minerals for America's Future

The Role of Environment and Wildlife in Human Health