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Created on: 04/30/09 - Email to friend - Print Page

Resources You Can Use

If you are one of the 46 million Americans with arthritis looking for resources to help you manage and live with your arthritis, here are some programs and services to help you take control.

Get Physical

"Physical activity is vitally important to manage arthritis and other chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabtetes, " Dr. John H. Klippel, President and CEO, M.D., Arthritis Foundation.

Start moving today! Let's Move Together is a nationwide movement that encourages people to move to prevent or treat arthritis.

Keep track of your movement! Get a free movement tracker to see if you are meeting your goals.

Check out the Life Improvement Series! See how these programs can help you decrease pain and stiffness.

Start exercising! Watch free videos.


Join In

Find a community! Connect with others who have arthritis.

Get local! Find an Arthritis Foundation office near you.

Let your voice be heard! Become an arthritis advocate today.


Learn More

Focus on OA! Find out more about Osteoarthritis.

Get disease-specific information! Visit the Disease Center.

Fight the pain! Check out the Pain Center.

Manage the disease! Order a self-help kit today.

Sign up for Mind, Body, Spirit! Get arthritis care and prevention tips.

Take control with exercise! Order an exercise DVD.

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