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Created on: 06/10/07 - Email to friend - Print Page

Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program banner
Water is a safe, ideal environment for relieving arthritis pain and stiffness. That's why the Arthritis Foundation offers its Aquatic Program, designed to safely keep your joints moving and improve your sense of well-being.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program allows you to exercise without putting excess strain on your joints and muscles. The gentle activities in warm water, with guidance from a trained instructor, will help you gain strength and flexibility. Participants enjoy as decreased pain and stiffness.

The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program also provides a friendly and supportive atmosphere in which you can make new friends and try new activities. This social interaction can help decrease feelings of depression and isolation. Progress in the aquatic activities can lead to independence and improved self-esteem.

Co-developed by the Arthritis Foundation and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the program is offered in pools throughout the United States. When the program is offered in a YMCA pool facility, it is called the Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program. The program is available in non-YMCA facilities as well. Some facilities offer advanced-level courses. Contact your local office for more information.

Special versions of the program include a deep water course and a juvenile course.

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