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Torresan, M.E., Hampton, M.A., Barber, J.H., Jr., and Wong, F.L., 1995, K1-95-HW: Cruise report 1995 - Preliminary results. Phase III: sediment chemistry and biological sampling survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-839, 94 p.

Table 4. Subsamples Collected for Bioaccumulation and Bioassay Analyses. (Note: Samples have two designations: The first column shows the 1995 Sample ID when cores are numbered consecutively from 1994 cores, as shown on Figure 1, the station location Map. The second column shows the K1-95-HW cruise station/sample ID.)

1995 Sample IDK1-95-W Cruise
Station/Sample ID
Sediment Types
B73; B74; B75; B76B2; B3; B4; B5   21�.15'N
South Oahu Site;
Dredged Material Composite
B77; B78; B79; B80;B81B6; B7; B8; B9; B10  21�.17'N
South Oahu Site;
Dredged Material Composite
B82; B83B11; B12  21�.50'N
Old Honolulu Harbor Site;
Dredged Material Composite
B84; B85; B86; B87; B88B13; B14; B15; B16; B17  21�.00'N
East of Old Honolulu Harbor Site;
Native Sediment Composite
B89; B90B18; B19  21�.00'N
Old Pearl Harbor Site;
Dredged Material Composite
B91; B92; B93B20; B21; B22  21�.51'N
South of South Oahu Site;
Native Sediment Composite
B94; B95; B96; B97B23; B24; B25; B26  21�.00'N
West of South Oahu Site;
Native Sediment Composite

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URL: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of95-839/tbl04.html
Maintainer: Carolyn Donlin
Author: Florence L. Wong
Last modified: 01 Oct 97.

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