Parkinson's Disease Research Web

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The NINDS supports a broad range of studies aimed at discovering the cause(s) of Parkinson's disease, finding better treatments, and ultimately preventing and curing the disorder. In 2000 a working group established the Parkinson's Disease Research Agenda initiating a planning process to ensure that extraordinary opportunities to move toward a cure are adequately supported and that critical obstacles to progress are addressed. In 2002 a Summit was convened to gain a better sense of where the field of PD research stands internationally, and to collect information on the "roadblocks" that may still be impacting progress. This led to the development of the Parkinson's Matrix which identifies additional goals that can help facilitate PD research.

This NIH disease specific website was developed to facilitate research efforts on Parkinson's Disease, track the progress of the PD Research agenda and Matrix activities, and provides both the research and lay community with information and resources. The Parkinson's disease research portfolio is managed by the NINDS Neurodegeneration Group.

Parkinson's Disease Updates:

Updated November 13, 2008

Parkinson's Disease Research and Funding Resources


Research News

Last updated May 05, 2009