What is your preferred method for a response from a Member of Congress to your questions?
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Congressman Larson is joined by Congressmen Courtney and Murphy, Leadership from the Connecticut General Assembly, and Common Cause in support of the Fair Elections Now Act. Click here to learn more about the Fair Elections Act.

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Congressman Larson speaks at the the dedication of Goodwin College's River Campus in East Hartford.

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Congressman Larson addressing local non-profits and community service agencies on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Please click for more information on the Recovery Act.

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Congressman Larson tours Goodwin College with Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Congressman James L. Oberstar (MN-5), Goodwin College President Mark Scheinberg and East Hartford Mayor Melody Currey.

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Click here to see how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will put our nation on a path toward economic strength and stability.


Rep. John Larson: Enough!
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Congressman John Larson of Connecticut, Vice Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, delivered the Democratic Radio Address this morning. In his address, Congressman Larson discusses energy legislation the New Direction Congress will bring forward to combat rising energy and gas prices and to ensure our energy independence. Larson explains, “for eight years, two oilmen in the White House have crafted this country’s energy policy…Barack Obama summed up our sentiment on this Bush-McCain policy, in one word: enough!”



Larson on Boeing Tanker Decision
hflr06180809500062297.jpg  The GAO announced that it was overturning the Air Force's decision to award a contract for the next generation of mid-air refueling tankers to Northrup Grumman and their overseas partners.  Here Congressman Larson speak about the decision on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Congressman Larson on Gas Prices
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schip_video.jpgClick here to listen to Congressman Larson Speaks on the House Floor in Support of Healthcare for Children
Mental Health Parity
mental_health_video.jpgClick here to listen to Congressman Larson speak on the Mental Health Parity
The New York Times: Show Us the Ball


Representative John B. Larson, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, has circulated a draft bill that would impose "a per-unit tax on the carbon-dioxide content of fossil fuels, beginning at a rate of $15 per metric ton of CO2 and increasing by $10 each year"...

Journal Inquirer: SHOT DOWN: Politicians, Union Vow to Block Pentagon's Plan to Cut F-22 Raptor Program

Connecticut’s political leaders bristled with defiance Monday at Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ announcement that the Pentagon plans to end production of the F-22 Raptor jet fighter powered by Pratt & Whitney engines — a move that could cost as many as 3,000 jobs in the state...
East Hartford Gazette-Clean Stimulus Winner: Water Projects

With the Hartford Water Pollution Control facility as a permeating backdrop, lending its mild chemical perfume to the springtime air, Congressman  John Larson (D- 1st Congressional District) happily handed a significant chunk of federal economic stimulus money to the cities and towns of Connecticut....

Congressman Larson's Staff to Hold Office Hours in Windsor


Tuesday, April 28th 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Windsor Town Hall-Dr. Primus Room

275 Broad Street Windsor, CT

The Office of Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01) will be holding District Office hours at the Windsor Town Hall on Tuesday, April 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

A representative from Congressman Larson’s office will be available during this time to meet with constituents who have questions or concerns related to Federal Government programs and agencies. Please contact Congressman Larson’s office at (860) 278-8888 if you have any questions

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