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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Creating Jobs, Supporting the States
and Investing in Our Country’s Future

The United States is facing its deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression, one that calls for swift, bold action. The goals of this legislation are the same as they have been from day one: to strengthen the economy now and invest in our country’s future.

This legislation will create and save jobs; help state and local governments with their budget shortfalls to prevent deep cuts in basic services such as health, education, and law enforcement; cut taxes for working families and invest in the long-term health of our economy. We do all of this with unprecedented accountability, oversight and transparency so the American people know their money is being invested responsibly.

Information about the legislation

To accomplish these goals, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides $311 billion in critical investments.

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For local government agencies and companies

Learn about the programs created through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), and how local government agencies and companies can apply.

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Funding Priorities in our Community

Since becoming a member of the Appropriations Committee, I have new oversight responsibilities for the spending of federal dollars, as well as an increased role in the prioritization of federal spending.

For too long, the process of Congressional funding requests – sometimes known as “earmarks” – lacked transparency and accountability, leading some members of Congress to abuse it and the public trust. Since assuming the majority in 2007, Congressional Democrats have instituted wide-ranging reforms, including ensuring that every American can easily determine which member of Congress has submitted a request that receives funding.

Click on the links below to view funding requests that I have requested for appropriations bills in Fiscal Year 2010.

Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (STEM) Act of 2008

Ensuring American competitiveness in an increasingly global economy requires significant improvements in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

I sponsored the Enhancing STEM Act to improve STEM education coordination among Federal and state governments. The Enhancing STEM Act provides Federal Agencies and states with the infrastructure required to work collaboratively, establish national STEM education goals, and to coordinate STEM education initiatives.

I developed the bill with my distinguished colleague, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), who introduced a companion bill (S.3047) with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN).

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Legislative Updates

Congressional Progressive Caucus Report Highlights Key Findings on US Role in Afghanistan and Pakistan
WASHINGTON D.C. – With the Fiscal Year 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Bill debate on the Floor of the House this week, today, Congressman Michael Honda, member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), along with CPC co-chair, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), issued a report summarizing the key findings, concerns and recommendations that have emerged from the CPC’s six-part series “Afghanistan: A Road Map For Progress”.

Rep. Michael Honda Joins U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to Unveil Unprecedented Project Thanking America’s Teachers
WASHINGTON D.C. (May 4, 2009) - Kicking off National Teacher Appreciation Week, US Rep. Michael Honda (CA-15) joined hundreds of local public school students and their teachers, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, other members of Congress and National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel to unveil NEA’s “Teacher Thank-You Project,” a never before seen collection of thousands of thank-you cards artfully displayed on a larger-than-life mural measuring 8 feet tall and 75 feet wide.

Rep. Michael Honda and Rep. Gutierrez to Host National Immigration Tour Stop in San JoseRep. Honda and Rep. Gutierrez, Chairmen of Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and Hispanic Caucus, to Lead National Dialogue in Preparation for Obama's Immigration Plan
WASHINGTON D.C. (April 15, 2009) –  On Saturday, April 18, Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) will host San Jose's faith-based communities in a national effort, spanning 20 major U.S. cities, to document immigrant testimonies across the nation and set the stage for President Barack Obama’s comprehensive immigration reform agenda.

Rep. Michael Honda's Student Advisory Council Organizes Youth Conference on "It's Right, To Know Your Rights" to Inform the Community on Student Privacy Rights
WASHINGTON D.C. (April 7, 2009) – Rep. Michael Honda’s Student Advisory Council is hosting its Annual Youth Conference, with a focus on student privacy rights, on May 31, 2009, from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. at Cupertino Community Hall at 10300 Torre Ave, Cupertino, CA.  The Student Advisory Council (SAC), which Rep. Honda created to foster and inform youth civic engagement, maintains 27 student representatives, comprised of two students from each high school in California’s 15th congressional district. The student-run Council is committed to community service and outreach and provides feedback to Rep. Honda on important issues impacting youth in the area. 

Rep. Michael Honda Introduces Global Warming Education Act to Provide Americans with the Tools Needed to Fight Threats to the Environment
WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Representative Michael Honda (CA-15) re-introduced the Global Warming Education Act to create a global warming education program within the National Science Foundation (NSF) to broaden America’s understanding of human-induced global warming, short- and-long-term consequences, and potential solutions.  Given that Congress is getting serious about tackling climate change, Rep. Honda is hopeful this legislation will pass this year, as an integral component of a comprehensive climate agenda.

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