News Center

Boehner Challenges Administration’s Decision to Ignore OMB Warning on Economic Consequences of Regulating CO2
“The disclosure of this OMB memo suggests that a political decision was made to put special-interests ahead of middle-class families and small businesses struggling in this recession. This EPA decision was a backdoor attempt to enact a national energy tax that will have a crushing impact on consumers, jobs, and our economy. It is unacceptable that this critical information was withheld and the regulatory process was abused in this fashion."
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8th Congressional District Blog

Constituent Mail Bag: Guantanamo Bay Detainees
By Rep. John Boehner
Click through the blog to see the latest Constituent Mail Bag video where I respond to Crystal from Dayton about the terrorist detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay.
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The Path to Prosperity

The U.S. House has approved the Democrats' budget that spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.  House Republicans offered a better solution, crafting a budget that would curb spending, create jobs and control our debt. Click here and here to read GOP plan, "The Path to Prosperity."  Go here to see a side-by-side comparison of the House GOP budget vs. the President's tax-and-spend proposal.

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