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Congressman Brad Sherman, Serving the San Fernando Valley in the 27th District of California
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Office Addresses
Washington, D.C.
2242 Rayburn Building
Washington, D.C.
(202) 225-5911 tel
(202) 225-5879 fax

San Fernando Valley
5000 Van Nuys Blvd.
Suite 420
Sherman Oaks, CA
(818) 501-9200 tel
(818) 501-1554 fax

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Influenza Facts and Resources (About A/H1N1 Flu or "Swine Flu")

Does the IRS Owe You Money?

Find out if the Internal Revenue Service owes you money and additional information about recent changes in tax law.

Sherman on the "Financial Bailout"

Congressman Sherman believes the "financial bailout" just passed by Congress continues to have fundamental flaws. For more information on Sherman’s position, click here. *

Christian Science Monitor

A stimulus that won't sink the US

Washington - These days, a modern depression seems almost within the realm of possibility. To avert this, we need an enormous, immediate stimulus. But unless it's well designed, it may not pass Congress; it may not achieve its objectives; or worse, it may sow the seeds of a disastrous decline in the dollar's value.

Click here to read more.

Click here for pdf.

San Fernando Valley Wildfires

Victims of the Sayre Fire in Sylmar can apply for FEMA assistance by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or clicking on http://www.fema.gov/assistance. Fire victims in the San Fernando Valley should contact Congressman Brad Sherman’s District Office at (818) 501-9200 if they need assistance in applying for FEMA aid or obtaining lost or damaged vital records, including immigration documents, Social Security and Medicare cards, and Federal tax returns.

Rush Limbaugh
“This Sherman guy obviously is a dunce.”
- Rush Limbaugh, February 12, 2009

Recent News

Congressman Brad Sherman :: Representing the 27th District of California :: 2004 Press Releases
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
January 2009

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