1997 Economic Census:
Comparative Statistics for Ohio
1987 SIC Basis: Retail Trade

Retail Trade by Major Group (2-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Retail trade 63,662 63,701 -0.1 107,417,375 79,030,973 35.9 971,264 837,874 15.9 12,234,786 9,256,512 32.2
52 Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers 2,927 2,969 -1.4 5,872,413 4,100,731 43.2 38,489 29,851 28.9 710,334 504,848 40.7
53 General merchandise stores 1,538 1,456 5.6 D 10,787,235 N (100,000+) 100,050 N D 1,120,421 N
54 Food stores 6,791 7,463 -9.0 D 15,047,576 N (100,000+) 130,747 N D 1,537,376 N
55 Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations 8,348 8,736 -4.4 D 22,913,917 N (100,000+) 87,991 N D 1,636,125 N
56 Apparel and accessory stores 4,483 5,422 -17.3 D 3,263,832 N (25k-49999) 41,320 N D 368,973 N
57 Home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores 4,451 4,286 3.8 5,714,553 3,489,491 63.8 37,878 27,381 38.3 665,331 453,456 46.7
58 Eating and drinking places 20,566 19,584 5.0 D 8,473,992 N (100,000+) 312,763 N D 2,265,293 N
59 Miscellaneous retail 14,558 13,785 5.6 15,881,466 10,954,199 45.0 132,826 107,771 23.2 2,030,714 1,370,020 48.2
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure



Retail Trade by Industry (4-digit SIC)
Includes only establishments with payroll. Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. Introductory text includes scope and methodology.
For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table. An alternate display has fewer columns.

SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
  Retail trade 63,662 63,701 -0.1 107,417,375 79,030,973 35.9 971,264 837,874 15.9 12,234,786 9,256,512 32.2
52 Building materials, hardware, garden supply, and mobile home dealers 2,927 2,969 -1.4 5,872,413 4,100,731 43.2 38,489 29,851 28.9 710,334 504,848 40.7
521 Lumber and other building materials dealers 1,064 981 8.5 4,170,590 2,783,826 49.8 23,285 16,072 44.9 467,114 321,585 45.3
523 Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores 496 504 -1.6 322,929 235,903 36.9 2,248 2,065 8.9 46,886 32,400 44.7
525 Hardware stores 685 797 -14.1 597,896 531,210 12.6 7,537 6,953 8.4 95,586 80,517 18.7
526 Retail nurseries, lawn and garden supply stores 545 560 -2.7 485,905 360,173 34.9 4,362 3,954 10.3 71,840 53,091 35.3
527 Mobile home dealers 137 127 7.9 295,093 189,619 55.6 1,057 807 31.0 28,908 17,255 67.5
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
53 General merchandise stores 1,538 1,456 5.6 D 10,787,235 N (100,000+) 100,050 N D 1,120,421 N
531 Department stores (excluding leased departments) $$ 556 546 1.8 D 8,707,359 N (100,000+) 83,661 N D 951,759 N
533 Variety stores 715 594 20.4 677,805 562,182 20.6 7,220 6,989 3.3 74,949 64,906 15.5
539 Miscellaneous general merchandise stores 267 316 -15.5 D 1,517,694 N (10k-24999) 9,400 N D 103,756 N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
54 Food stores 6,791 7,463 -9.0 D 15,047,576 N (100,000+) 130,747 N D 1,537,376 N
541 Grocery stores 4,953 5,409 -8.4 D 14,367,507 N (100,000+) 117,579 N D 1,420,031 N
542 Meat and fish (seafood) markets, including freezer provisioners 303 387 -21.7 186,280 213,520 -12.8 1,971 2,272 -13.2 28,393 27,832 2.0
543 Fruit and vegetable markets 115 111 3.6 68,879 65,495 5.2 668 667 0.1 8,788 8,233 6.7
544 Candy, nut, and confectionery stores 242 285 -15.1 75,141 68,129 10.3 1,722 1,866 -7.7 12,461 11,622 7.2
545 Dairy products stores 84 108 -22.2 17,847 24,310 -26.6 290 378 -23.3 2,346 r -12.1
546 Retail bakeries 736 835 -11.9 200,569 201,056 -0.2 5,263 6,456 -18.5 56,830 52,943 7.3
549 Miscellaneous food stores 358 308 16.2 154,598 95,542 61.8 1,882 1,371 37.3 21,486 12,168 76.6
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
55 Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations 8,348 8,736 -4.4 D 22,913,917 N (100,000+) 87,991 N D 1,636,125 N
551 Motor vehicle dealers (new and used) 1,156 1,116 3.6 23,295,280 14,218,742 63.8 47,940 39,091 22.6 1,489,685 1,018,263 46.3
552 Motor vehicle dealers (used only) 995 818 21.6 1,637,645 696,473 135.1 4,060 2,775 46.3 92,883 47,783 94.4
553 Auto and home supply stores 1,648 1,649 -0.1 D 1,144,301 N (10k-24999) 10,809 N D 186,458 N
554 Gasoline service stations 4,082 4,713 -13.4 7,704,806 6,254,166 23.2 33,891 32,568 4.1 401,678 327,895 22.5
555 Boat dealers 153 144 6.2 235,103 150,646 56.1 978 775 26.2 22,097 16,837 31.2
556 Recreational vehicle dealers 111 115 -3.5 294,791 214,721 37.3 1,048 791 32.5 27,709 18,387 50.7
557 Motorcycle dealers 150 147 2.0 330,727 186,104 77.7 1,256 1,035 21.4 29,031 17,314 67.7
559 Automotive dealers, not elsewhere classified 53 34 55.9 69,392 22,476 208.7 263 95 176.8 5,537 r 205.4
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
56 Apparel and accessory stores 4,483 5,422 -17.3 D 3,263,832 N (25k-49999) 41,320 N D 368,973 N
561 Men's and boys' clothing and accessory stores 459 584 -21.4 312,120 337,280 -7.5 3,358 4,233 -20.7 45,125 48,321 -6.6
562 Women's clothing stores 1,314 1,829 -28.2 884,111 1,182,664 -25.2 11,509 17,543 -34.4 107,322 129,843 -17.3
563 Women's accessory and specialty stores 348 385 -9.6 187,530 143,709 30.5 2,179 1,934 12.7 23,906 18,314 30.5
564 Children's and infants' wear stores 152 161 -5.6 165,534 100,803 64.2 1,538 1,166 31.9 14,690 9,329 57.5
565 Family clothing stores 633 504 25.6 1,121,745 744,306 50.7 11,016 7,484 47.2 117,986 69,760 69.1
566 Shoe stores 1,273 1,656 -23.1 779,336 682,341 14.2 7,852 7,872 -0.3 87,613 82,204 6.6
569 Miscellaneous apparel and accessory stores 304 303 0.3 D 72,729 N (1000-2499) 1,088 N D 11,202 N
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
57 Home furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores 4,451 4,286 3.8 5,714,553 3,489,491 63.8 37,878 27,381 38.3 665,331 453,456 46.7
571 Home furniture and furnishings stores 2,520 2,555 -1.4 2,759,747 1,989,156 38.7 20,974 16,309 28.6 393,956 282,762 39.3
572 Household appliance stores 387 376 2.9 302,433 235,855 28.2 2,187 2,027 7.9 40,819 31,177 30.9
573 Radio, television, consumer electronics, and music stores 1,544 1,355 13.9 2,652,373 1,264,480 109.8 14,717 9,045 62.7 230,556 139,517 65.3
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
58 Eating and drinking places 20,566 19,584 5.0 D 8,473,992 N (100,000+) 312,763 N D 2,265,293 N
581 Eating and drinking places 20,566 19,584 5.0 D 8,473,992 N (100,000+) 312,763 N D 2,265,293 N
5812 Eating places 17,033 15,865 7.4 D 7,909,004 N (100,000+) 296,450 N D 2,160,115 N
5813 Drinking places (alcoholic beverages) 3,533 3,719 -5.0 624,273 564,988 10.5 16,487 16,313 1.1 120,790 105,178 14.8
SIC 1987 SIC Description Establishments Sales
Paid employees Annual payroll
1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg 1997 1992 % chg
59 Miscellaneous retail 14,558 13,785 5.6 15,881,466 10,954,199 45.0 132,826 107,771 23.2 2,030,714 1,370,020 48.2
591 Drug stores and proprietary stores 1,846 2,028 -9.0 4,849,896 3,686,336 31.6 35,034 28,036 25.0 550,661 388,154 41.9
592 Liquor stores 1,175 1,295 -9.3 792,394 680,671 16.4 5,915 6,210 -4.8 65,317 55,761 17.1
593 Used merchandise stores 694 644 7.8 213,779 158,082 35.2 4,158 3,083 34.9 52,343 34,995 49.6
594 Miscellaneous shopping goods stores 4,910 4,858 1.1 3,208,515 2,437,253 31.6 35,480 30,743 15.4 417,877 310,753 34.5
596 Nonstore retailers 1,496 1,172 27.6 4,503,951 2,602,000 73.1 27,837 21,306 30.7 565,544 333,129 69.8
598 Fuel dealers 288 279 3.2 551,368 354,749 55.4 2,608 2,099 24.2 60,640 r 41.4
599 Retail stores, not elsewhere classified 4,149 3,509 18.2 1,761,563 1,058,087 66.5 21,794 16,394 32.9 318,332 206,450 54.2
N=Comparable data not available D=Withheld to avoid disclosure
$$ 1992 sales data include sales from catalog order desks. 1997 sales data exclude sales from catalog order desks.

Top: 2-digit SIC table All-sector table Data in formats for downloading PDF report

- Source: 1997 Economic Census, Comparative Statistics   - Questions?
Last revised: March 01, 2004