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World Bank Webinar


World Bank Webinar--How to Identify, Track and Pursue World Bank Funded Projects

  • How? Webinar, from the comfort of your own computer.
  • Cost? $50 -- pay online
  • When? Wednesday, June 24, 2009
  • Time? 2:00pm ET
  • Register NOW!: Click here to register

Interested in World Bank Funded Environmental Tender Offers?

From the comfort of your own desk,  learn how to find, track and ultimately pursue environmental bid opportunities abroad funded by the World Bank. This webinar is presented by David Fulton, the USCS Liaison to the World Bank, with the support of the Global Environmental Technologies Team of the US Department of Commerce. 

After the program, schedule your own 1-on-1 counseling session with David to further discuss opportunities with the World Bank, or the other multilateral development banks as well.  

World Bank opportunties are not for first-time exporters. It does require a certain level of international experience and presence.  However, if you've ever thought about pursuing World Bank projects, or just need a refresher, learn the basics in less than 90 minutes, from your own desk.