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Inland Empire

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June 16-17: AES Compliance Seminar

AES 2009 Who-Should-Attend-BannerProvide Accurate Data and Avoid Costly Penalties and Seizures

Comply with the Foreign Trade Regulations

 New Requirements, Tougher Penalties

It is imperative that you understand the new requirements of the FTR and how to avoid possible penalties and seizure of your commodities.  In addition it is vital to provide accurate and complete data in efforts to help the trade make sound business decisions.  The Census Bureau now requires mandatory filing of export information through the Automated Export System (AES) or through the AESDirect for all shipments where a Shipper’s Export Declaration was previously required.  Penalties may be imposed per violation of the FTR from $1,100 to $10,000 – both civil and criminal – for the delayed filing, failure to file, false filing of export information, and/or using the AES to further any illegal activity.  In accordance with the FTR, all parties to the export transaction are subject to the fines and penalties.  Additionally, all AES filers are faced with new filing deadlines by mode of transportation for reporting export information. 

The Foreign Trade Division is actively engaged in educational outreach with the Commercial Service to help you avoid these costly penalties.  We provide seminars and workshops to help you understand the new requirements of the FTR.

When:  Tuesday, June 16, 2009 (Seminar)

             7:30am - 5:00pm w/ contintental breakfast and lunch

             Wednesday, June 17, 2009 (Workshop)

             8:30am - 12:00pm w/continental breakfast

Where: Cal Poly Pomona Campus

             3801 W. Temple Avenue

             Pomona, CA  91768

Room:  June 16th- URSA Minor Suite, Building 35 (Bronco Student Center)

             June 17th- Room 2654 in Building 17

Cost: $225 for both Seminar & Workshop; $175.00 for Seminar; $65.00 for Workshop

ON-LINE REGISTRATION (Select one of the following options)

For further information, please contact Tony Michalski at or (909) 466-4137

Please click here to view flyer.
