
Last year, U.S. exports reached a record $1.63 trillion, creating new opportunities for American businesses. With the internet, ease of transportation and free trade agreements, there's never been a better time to sell internationally.

Nationwide, some quarter million U.S. firms are exporting, 97 percent of which are small and medium-sized businesses, employing 500 or fewer employees. For complete U.S. state-by-state statistics, go to: http://ita.doc.gov

U.S.COMPANIES , requiring guidance in EXPORTING from the U.S. to foreign countries,
click here for assistance from the U.S. Commercial Service.*

FOREIGN COMPANIES, requiring assistance IMPORTING goods & services to the U.S., or looking for U.S. suppliers, click here for assistance from the Global Trade & Technology Network (GTN).*

All companies requiring GENERAL EXPORT/IMPORT INFORMATION, click here.*

The Global Trade & Technology Network (GTN) has provided import and sourcing assistance to both U.S. and foreign companies since 1994, creating 350,000 buyer-seller matches, with an estimated value of $345,000 million. The Global Trade & Technology Network assists companies, both U.S. and foreign, to locate markets and buyers for their products and/or services, manufacturing sources for their products, establish workable business relationships, assist with financing sources, aid with shipping and custom requirements, marketing advice, and in general provide expert advice through the entire spectrum of the international sales effort. The U.S. Commercial Service is the premier global export business solutions provider of The U.S.Government. It is dedicated to helping U.S. companies succeed internationally.

1700 trade specialists working in 108 domestic offices and 80 markets worldwide, the Commercial Service helps U.S. companies make international sales with world-class market research, trade events that promote their products or services to qualified buyers, introductions to qualified buyers and distributors, and counseling through every step of the export process. Additionally, through a formal arrangement with the U.S. Department of State, the Commercial Service maintains Commercial Diplomacy in 100 medium and small markets world-wide.


*Some services of the U.S. Commercial Service and The Global Trade & Technology Network (GTN) are fee-based.