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curriculum based education at the Alaska public lands of information Center operated by the national Park service
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Fairbanks & Surrounding Area Only
The Fairbanks Alaska Public Lands Information Center offers many opportunities for the local educator.
  1. Kid's Corner
  2. Field Trips
  3. Discovery Days
  4. Environmental Education Kits
  5. The Great Alaska Mystery Box

    For scheduling of kits, film loans, library materials, and field trips, call (907) 459-3730.

Fairbanks APLIC
(nps photo)

(about the center)

Kid's Corner

Have you ever felt the fur of a Polar Bear? You can at theAlaska Public Lands Information CentersKid's Corner. Young learners can participate in several activities at Kid's Corner, from reading a book to taking a look through a microscope. Parents and their children are invited to use the materials in Kid's Corner while they visit APLIC.


(educational opportunities)

Field Trips

Groups organizers can schedule in-service training for teachers and leaders on resources fromAlaska Public Lands Information Centersby calling the center. We'll give your staff a tour of our facility, introduce our teaching resources, and review the checkout procedures for kits and library materials.


Bring your school or other groups to the center for a variety of field trips.

  • Sensory Exhibits 30 min.(Grades Pre K-K)
  • Homes and Habitats 45 min. (Grades 1-2)
  • Alaskan Adaptations 45 min (Grades 3-4)
  • Regions of Alaska 45 min.(Grades 4-6)
  • Special Use Maps 45 min.(Grades 5-6)
  • APLIC staff led lesson (at your school or at the center)
  • Do your own thing! Use our exhibits to create your own lesson plans and worksheet guides.

Compliment these field trips with a film shown in our 35 seat auditorium. We can help you plan a great field trip so call our Education Specialist for ideas and a reservation (at least ONE week in advance) Please bring one parent or associated adult for every 8 children.


Discovery Days

Once a month from September to May the Alaska Public Lands Information Center presents a day of discovery for parents and their children. Most activities are geared for children ages 5-10, however all children are welcome. Parents or an associated adult must accompany children through the activities at the center. Admission is FREE!

Environmental Education Kits

Kits are checked out for one - two week period. You may reserve kits by calling 459-3730.

We now request a $20 per kit deposit, refundable upon prompt return of the kit.


Bird Kit

A complete bird unit with lessons about avian characteristics, bird adaptations, and bird/human interactions. The kit may be used with the study skins kit (see below) or by itself.


Bird Study Skins Kit

This kit contains study skins of many interior Alaskan bird species. It does not contain any lesson plans and may be checked out alone or with the bird kit.


Fish Kit

This kit emphasizes fish characteristics and adaptations along with their habitat and the cultural and economic importance of fish to Alaskans.


Gold Rush Kit

Take a fun look at Alaska's history and learn why people rushed for gold. See how people survived the hardships of the mining life and see the lasting legacy they left behind.


Insect and Spider Kit

Students learn about the wonders of the insect/spider world in the classroom or in the field. Kit includes local insect specimens, background information, videos, posters, activities, and more!


Alaska's Loons Kit

Filled with fun activities, books, videos, tapes, and a slide show, this kit helps students learn about loons in Alaska, their adaptations, and issues concerning their continued existence.

Mammal Kit

Materials to teach about mammals and their lifestyles and habitats with an emphasis on Alaskan species. This kit contains skulls, pelt pieces, latex track and scat replicas with related lesson plans.


Map and Compass Kit

Kit includes 25 compasses, a large demonstrator compass, background information, and lesson plans to help students learn about using compasses and reading maps.


Stampeder Kit

This kit is a smaller version of the Gold Rush Kit and focus' primarily on the Klondike Gold Rush. The kit has lessons, a video and a gold poke!


Minerals Kit

This kit contains mineral samples, background information, posters, and a wide variety of lesson plans and experiments for teaching students about Alaska's mining history and geology.


Songbird Blues Kit

This kit is full of fun activities to help students learn about songbird migration and how they can help Alaska's migratory birds. Kit includes tapes, videos, posters, puppets, and more. Please allow extra time to check out this kit.


Tree Kit

Learn about the trees and forests of interior Alaska using pressed leaves, tree "cookies", posters, books, and activities.


Water Kit

This kit teaches students about our most precious resource. Activities show how water is important, the water cycle, and how we use and can conserve our water resources.


Wetlands Kit

Activities introduce students to wetlands and the functions they provide us. Students will explore the plants and animals of this important ecosystem while learning how their actions can affect it.


Owl Pellet Kit

This simple kit contains all of the tools needed to investigate owl pellets. Copy masters and Food Web demonstrations are also included. Owl pellets are available atAlaska Public Lands Information Centersfor $1.50 each and are not included in this kit.


(This is for teaching resources outside of the Fairbanks area.)

The Great Alaska Mystery Box

This kit teaches about the many types of lifeways in Alaska. The kit includes videos, books, art projects, and puppets as well as many lesson plans to teach an entire unit about Alaska, This kit is only available to teachers/leaders outside of Alaska. Please call the center for details on borrowing this great kit all about Alaska. (907)459-3730.

The Great Alaskan Mystery Box
Click on picture for larger view
The Great Alaskan Mystery Box
(Photo by Joanne Welch)

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