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ADEPS  Materials Physics and Applications, MPA

Focus on Facilities

Mechanical testing and modeling in MST

The mission of the Materials Science and Technology Division includes the development of constitutive deformation and failure models for the metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites of interest to Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and industrially-sponsored programs.

More about mechanical testing and modeling in MST (pdf).

Sensors and Electrochemical Devices Group

The Sensors and Electrochemical Devices Group (MPA-11), within the Materials Physics and Applications Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, conducts basic and applied research on electronic and ionic conducting materials, including the development of novel materials characterization approaches.

More about the Sensors and Electrochemical Devices Group (pdf).

Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics Group

The group known today as Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory has a history almost as long as that of Los Alamos itself.

More about the Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics Group (pdf).

Sigma Complex

The original and enduring mission of the Sigma Complex focuses on prototype fabrication and materials research for the nuclear weapons program. Over the years, however, this mission has expanded to include threat reduction and homeland security activities. .... More about the Sigma Complex (pdf).

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

One-of-a-kind magnets and experts in pulsed magnet science make the NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility a unique user laboratory. .... More about the NHMFL Pulsed Field Facility (pdf).

MST-6 Materials Surface Science Investigations Laboratory

The MST-6 Materials Surface Science Investigations Laboratory is home to a singular integrated instrument for surface science and materials research...
More about the MST-6 Surface Science Investigations Laboratory (pdf).

MPA-11 Clean Room User Facility

The MPA-11 Clean Room User Facility supports the Materials Physics and Applications Division's mission to research materials and lay the foundation for new technologies.

A class 100/10,000 facility designed and equipped with versatility and functionality in mind, the 2,000-square-foot clean room features a variety of characterization tools designed to accommodate diverse research interests....
More about the MPA-11 Clean Room User Facility (pdf).

Electron Microscopy Laboratory

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory is a facility dedicated to the characterization of materials primarily through imaging, chemical, and crystallographic analyses of material microstructures with several electron and ion beam instruments....
More about the Electron Microscopy Laboratory (www.lanl.gov/orgs/mst/mst6/eml/index.shtml).

Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies

The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) is a Department of Energy/Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center. Jointly operated by Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories as a national user facility,....
More about the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (pdf).

Ion Beam Materials Laboratory

The Ion Beam Materials Laboratory (IBML) is a Los Alamos National Laboratory resource devoted to materials research through the use of ion beams. Current major research areas include surface characterization....
More about the Ion Beams Laboratory (pdf).

Materials Science Laboratory

The Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) is an interdisciplinary facility dedicated to research on current materials and those of future interest. It is a 56,000 square-foot modern facility that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate new processes and operations....
More about the Materials Science Laboratory (pdf).

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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